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Connecting You to the World of Health & Fitness

Fish oil benefits several facets of health, making it a well-liked supplement among those who are health conscious. The heart and brain both benefit from the regular use of fish oil derived from fatty fish such as sardines, mackerel, and salmon. This blog dives into some incredible benefits of adding...
Fish oil benefits several facets of health, making it a well-liked supplement among those who are health conscious. The heart and brain both benefit from the regular use of fish oil derived from fatty fish such as sardines,...
Glycerin, or glycerol, is a potent yet sensitive skincare agent. It has been used for thousands of years to provide soft, hydrated, and young-looking...
Glycerin, or glycerol, is a potent yet sensitive skincare agent. It has been used for thousands of years to provide soft, hydrated, and young-looking skin. According to a study, glycerin is one of the most effective humectants...
Sleep paralysis takes place when a person transitions between sleep and wakefulness. It prevents an individual from speaking or moving temporarily....
Sleep paralysis takes place when a person transitions between sleep and wakefulness. It prevents an individual from speaking or moving temporarily. This can occur when you’re waking up or falling asleep. During such...
People often blame their fickle hearts when it comes to finding true love, but did you know that the real matchmakers are in your gut? Surprising...
People often blame their fickle hearts when it comes to finding true love, but did you know that the real matchmakers are in your gut? Surprising but true! Trillions of microbes in your gut steer your mood, bonding, and love...
Strengthening your glutes makes them look better; it would also help improve your sports performance and posture to prevent injury. Gluteal muscles...
Wishing you a very happy friendship day. Friends don’t only support you in bad times but also push you further or be hard on you to take the...
Strong muscles surely make your upper body look attractive, but they have more to offer than just looks. Muscles in the shoulders are divided...
You may feel shoulder blade pain when rotating your arm or trying to lift something with your hands. If it is a minor pain, it usually goes away...
Upper body workouts are a great way to strengthen your core, build muscle, and enhance your overall  stature. If you wish to directly target...
Pre-workout supplements are products that people consume a couple of hours before exercise to provide energy. Often referred to as ‘pre-workouts’,...
Strengthening your glutes makes them look better; it would also help improve your sports performance and posture to prevent injury. Gluteal muscles...
Wishing you a very happy friendship day. Friends don’t only support you in bad times but also push you further or be hard on you to take the...
Strong muscles surely make your upper body look attractive, but they have more to offer than just looks. Muscles in the shoulders are divided...
You may feel shoulder blade pain when rotating your arm or trying to lift something with your hands. If it is a minor pain, it usually goes away...
Upper body workouts are a great way to strengthen your core, build muscle, and enhance your overall  stature. If you wish to directly target...
Pre-workout supplements are products that people consume a couple of hours before exercise to provide energy. Often referred to as ‘pre-workouts’,...
Infographics 1 MIN READ Apr 24, 2020

How To Stop Emotional Eating

If you’re an emotional eater, you may find yourself eating to deal with uncomfortable emotions. Don’t worry—you’re not alone! The following...
Try these yummy and healthy recipes while you are stuck at home....
Customer safety is our First Priority...
But even in the spotlight, several celebrity moms in India are proving that motherhood and fitness can coexist. From weekly yoga sessions to...
For those of us who follow sports, World Athletics Day is always a reason to celebrate. Not only does it recognise the history and achievements...
The FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 has made the news headlines. With great football actions and athletic bodies, the sport is immensely liked by almost...
19/21 52kg > 65kg 8.3% > 14%
21/25 54kg > 84kg 13% > 18%
17/19 52kg > 68kg 15% > 12%