The dreamy weather in the monsoon season has a downside too! The dampness and humid weather conditions provide the perfect environment for the microbes to grow. No wonder, the risk of infections, incidence of waterborne diseases, skin allergies, and health issues like food poisoning, indigestion, colds, flu, viral fever, and general weakness are on a rise. It also sends the otherwise healthy immune system for a toss. One needs to be extra careful to sail through the season safely. Here are a few immunity boosting tips that will help you stay on track.
Immunity Boosting Tips You Must Follow
Immunity is defined as the body’s defence mechanism. It protects the body from infections and ailments. Immunity boosting is progressive and includes several dietary and lifestyle changes. Listed below are a few well-pronounced ways that help in immunity boosting:
- Load Up on Vitamin C
Vitamin C is among the best immune boosters. People lacking the essential nutrient are more prone to infections during the rainy season. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system by enhancing the function of phagocytes, an immune system cell that surrounds and kills microorganisms. It also improves the cellular immune response by increasing the production of lymphocytes and immune-boosting white blood cells. Vitamin C is present in all citrus fruits like oranges, lemon, and lime. It is also found in vegetables like red bell peppers, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and tomato.
- Get Enough Vitamin D
Vitamin D, or the sunshine vitamin, is an essential immune system booster. It is prepared under the layers of the skin upon exposure to sunlight. The vitamin is further synthesised in the liver and kidney to convert it into an active and usable form. Vitamin D alters the activity and number of T 2 killer lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell that reduces the spread of bacteria and viruses. Adequate levels of Vitamin D are also linked to a lower risk of respiratory infections. Exposure to midday sun is the easiest way to get Vitamin D. The vitamin can also be sourced through food and dietary supplements.
- Get Some Omega- 3 Fatty Acids
The Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for brain and heart health. In addition to this, they are also immune system boosters. The fatty acids have anti-inflammatory attributes. While Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) prevents worsening of inflammation, Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) expedites the inflammation healing process. Fatty fish, walnuts, flaxseed, chia seeds, and plant oils are foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
- Indulge In a High Protein-Diet
While a balanced diet is a key to a healthy immune system, proteins play a crucial role in determining the strength of the immune response. Phagocytes, lymphocytes, and cytokines; are important immune cells that are made up of protein. Arginine, an important amino acid, enhances the cellular immune response. Proteins also form an essential part of antibodies. The natural antibodies are immunity boosting. Proteins also help you recover better and quickly. Proteins can be sourced through foods like soy, dairy products, lean meat, whole grains, legumes, lentils, nuts, and seeds.
- Include Antioxidants-Rich Foods
Antioxidants are important in destroying the free radicals circulating in the body. High levels of free radicals harm cells and induce tissue damage. But antioxidants rich foods control this damage by naturally neutralising the free radicals. They also destroy certain types of bacteria and viruses that harm the immune system. Antioxidant-rich foods are an immunity booster as they increase the availability of beta-carotene, vitamin E, vitamin C, carotenoids, lycopene, selenium, and manganese. Including different coloured fruits and vegetables in the diet is the best way to get your antioxidants.
- Spice It Up
Indian spices and herbs have great immunity boosting properties. Turmeric, fenugreek, cloves, black pepper, cinnamon, cumin, nutmeg, tulsi, coriander, ginger, curry leaves, and more; load up your diet with these great Indian spices. Research suggests that these spices help in digestion. They also flush out the sinus from the body. Furthermore, spices have high antioxidant content. This protects the immune cells from damage caused by free radicals.
- Get Enough Water
Staying hydrated is the key to better immunity. Drinking 8-10 glasses of water a day helps flush out bacteria and toxins from your body. Water and other fluids support immunity by helping maintain the health of the mucous membranes. Moist mucous membranes act as a barrier to infections, thus keeping the body well-protected. But as rainy weather conditions contaminate the water, do not drink water from outside sources. Remember to carry along your bottle of boiled water everywhere.
- Eat Seasonal Fruits and Vegetable
Nature has an innate ability to help us sail through different weather conditions comfortably. Seasonal fruits and vegetables are loaded with nutrients that act as a natural immunity booster. So stick to seasonal fruits and vegetables to seek maximum advantage.
- Go Low on Salt
High blood pressure is directly linked to a weak immune system. Too much sodium in the diet promotes tissue inflammation and increases the risk of autoimmune diseases. High salt intake also affects the kidneys, leaving the body dehydrated. To maintain the water balance, the body pulls the water from the cells, making them weak and more prone to contract infections.
- Switch from Milk to Curd
Milk perishes faster than usual in hot, humid climates. This increases the risk of stomach infections. On the other hand, curd is a fermented food. It is rich in probiotics and thus a source of good bacteria for the gut. It is thus a potent immunity booster in the rainy season. You can also consider adding a probiotic supplement to your daily diet.
- Limit Sugar Intake
While high sugar intake is a known risk factor for obesity and diabetes, it also affects the immune system. Too much sugar in the daily diet lowers the ability of white blood cells to fight and destroy bacteria. This makes the body more susceptible to infections. Thus, restricting your sugar intake is an important aspect of an immune-boosting diet.
- Avoid Spicy, Roadside Food
The humid weather conditions make the skin more prone to infections and allergies. Spicy food further irritates the intestinal lining, increasing the risk of rashes, and itching. So, by avoiding spicy food, street food and pre-cut foods, you safeguard your intestines from proactive damage. As gut health and immunity are closely tied, avoid eating habits that damage gut health.
- Get Adequate Sleep
Sleep and immunity go hand-in-hand. While poor sleep increases susceptibility to illness, low immunity makes it hard to get adequate shut-eye. Thus, the health condition deteriorates. Sleep enables the body to repair, rejuvenate and strengthen its natural immunity. So, follow a disciplined sleep-wake routine. Eat well and exercise regularly to maintain a normal circadian rhythm.
- Maintain Personal Hygiene
Personal hygiene is an absolute must in the rainy season. The increased humidity levels do not allow the body to sweat to dry. The environmental infections and germs thus stick to the skin. The moist damp skin provides the ideal conditions for infections to breed. Taking regular showers and changing clothes often is the way to ward off infections.
- Keep Your Surroundings Clean
In addition to observing personal hygiene, keeping the surroundings clean is also important. The damp weather conditions allow infections to thrive. Therefore, keeping your house clean and pest-free is important. Check for water-logging and leaky water tanks. Clean the AC filters regularly and ensure that seldom used areas of the house are clean and well-ventilated. Ensure cross ventilation in your living spaces.
It is possible to enjoy good health while enjoying the rain. Perking up on your immunity is the key. But constant rains, less sunshine, and humid and damp weather conditions can weaken your immunity, putting you at higher risk of infections.
However, hygienically and freshly cooked food, adequate sleep, regular exercise and stress-free life can prove to be immunity boosting. They regenerate the immune cells to confer good health.
Loading up your diet with vitamins C and D, omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants bestow protective effects. Other immunity boosting tips include going low on salt and sugar, increasing your intake of fermented foods and maintaining proper personal hygiene. Don’t forget to keep your surroundings clean. In case you live in extremely wet regions, use humidifiers with essential oil diffusers to keep the air healthy. If you’re asthmatic, do consider taking annual influenza and pneumonia shots.