Diet & Nutrition 6 MIN READ 10980 VIEWS May 10, 2022

20 Proven Loose Motion Home Remedies

Written By HealthKart
Medically Reviewed By Dr. Aarti Nehra

Loose Motion Home Remedies

Loose motions or diarrhoea is a common disruption in the functioning of the gastrointestinal system. It is marked by frequent passing of loose or watery stools which may cause dehydration and fatigue due to loss of vital nutrients and minerals (electrolytes). The most common causes of diarrhoea include food allergies, a stomach infection, and laxative abuse. Thankfully, simple loose motion home remedies provide instant relief.

Natural Loose Motion Home Remedies

Indian kitchens are treasure troves. They don’t just roll out satiating foods, thanks to countless spices and herbs but are also helpful in curing mild, everyday ailments. Listed below are 20 proven loose motion home remedies straight from your kitchen shelf. 

  1. Curd

Eating a bowl of plain curd is one of the easiest and the most effective loose motion home remedies. Curd contains a good amount of probiotics that help keep the gut healthy. The good bacteria present in probiotics fight the bad bacteria responsible for loose motions, thus easing loose motion symptoms quickly.

  1. Ginger Tea

Ginger tea is a miracle beverage. It works amazingly well both for constipation and diarrhoea. Ginger, when added to tea, aids digestion by reducing food stagnation which may be the infection’s breeding ground. Drinking ginger tea 2-3 times a day makes your gut strong.

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar is one of the proven stomach pain and loose motion home remedies. Prepare the drink by adding two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to a glass of lukewarm water with a teaspoon of honey. Drinking this mixture twice a day provides the natural antibiotics required to fight the infection-causing microbes. Its anti-inflammatory properties ease the intestinal lining, help normalize pH levels, and restore motion regularity.

  1. Ginger with Salt

Eating freshly crushed ginger sprinkled with salt is an excellent loose motion home remedy. It also helps ease stomach pain caused due to frequent loose motions. Take about a two-inch ginger cube and crush it nicely. Squeeze out the ginger juice in a spoon and add a pinch of salt to it. Follow this remedy 2-3 times a day for effective results.

  1. Coconut Water

Coconut water is not just a refreshing beverage but also has the potency to bring loose motions under control. Drink two glasses of fresh coconut water as a part of effective loose motion treatment at home. Coconut water replenishes the lost electrolytes like potassium and sodium. It also provides essential nutrients like amino acids, Vitamin C, magnesium, and helpful enzymes which enhance immunity.

  1. Coriander and Lemon Water

Lemon possesses anti-inflammatory properties helpful in combating loose motions. Adding 4-5 crushed coriander leaves to lemon water proves helpful in curing diseases related to indigestion. Coriander leaves contain essential oils, namely linalool and borneol which soothe the stomach and help in increased liver functioning.

  1. Mint and Lemon Water

Mint is known to soothe the stomach. It is packed with antimicrobial properties and thus helps fight viral, bacterial, and fungal infections. Take about a handful of mint leaves and crush them. Add the crushed mint leaves to a glass of lemon water and drink it 3-4 times a day.

  1. Banana

Bananas are a wonder fruit when it comes to easing loose motion symptoms. While ripe bananas are good for constipation, pick raw bananas for easing loose motion frequency and reducing its water content. Pectin, a soluble fibre present in bananas, increases the absorption of fluids in the intestines and makes the stool bulkier. Bananas are also rich in potassium which is an important electrolyte for rehydration. 

  1. Cumin Water

Cumin has antiseptic properties that help in eliminating the microbes responsible for disturbing the gut. It has high levels of potassium, thus helping rehydrate the body and maintain the electrolyte balance in the body. To prepare cumin water, boil a cup of water in a saucepan with a teaspoon of cumin. Let it simmer at a low flame for some time. Strain the water and let it cool. Drink it slowly upon cooling.

  1. Turmeric

Turmeric is a wonderful spice available in the kitchen. Taking half a teaspoon of turmeric powder in a glass of lukewarm water can help relieve symptoms of loose motions instantly. Turmeric is known to have antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties that help ward off infections. It is high in antioxidants and thus promotes healthy digestion.

  1. Pomegranates

The red seedy fruit provides an effective loose motion treatment at home. Both the fruit and its leaves are effective in treating loose motion. While you can eat the fruit or drink pomegranate juice for quick relief. To use pomegranate leaves, boil a few leaves on low flame for some time. Put off the flame and let the mixture cool for a while. Strain the leaves away and drink the water slowly through the day.

  1. Buttermilk

Buttermilk is an effective health drink. A glass of fresh buttermilk with a pinch of salt and pepper can be instrumental in reenergizing the digestive system. Buttermilk can be taken 2-3 times a day. Its high probiotic content helps eradicate the bad bacteria from the intestines and aids digestion.

  1. Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek (Methi) seeds are a power food when it comes to home remedies for upset stomach and diarrhea. Add two teaspoons of dried fenugreek seeds powder in a glass of water and take it 2-3 times a day on an empty stomach. The high mucilage content in the fenugreek seeds makes the stool bulky. Furthermore, the antibacterial and antifungal properties of fenugreek will fight diarrhoea-causing microbes.

  1. Drumstick Leaves

The leaves of the Moringa Oleifera tree, also called the drumstick tree, are known to enhance metabolism. The tree is known to possess medicinal value as it helps clear the toxins in the gut. It is also helpful in providing relief from digestive problems like nausea, gas, and stomach pain. Take a teaspoon of juice from drumstick leaves and mix with honey. Consume the mix once daily.

  1. Mashed Potatoes

Adding starchy foods to the diet can add bulk to the stools. Carbohydrates also refuel the fatigued body and help in better nutrient absorption. Potatoes are a rich source of potassium and thus help reload the lost electrolytes. 

  1. Cinnamon and Honey

Cinnamon and honey mix can help ward off the harmful bacteria in the intestines. They activate the digestive enzymes and ensure the proper functioning of the digestive system. Its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties can help relieve symptoms. Add half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder and 1 teaspoon honey to a cup of warm water. Stir nicely and drink slowly through the day.

  1. Blueberry Tea

Blueberry Tea is a common home remedy for digestive problems. As blueberries are rich in antioxidants like anthocyanins and polyphenols, they heal the digestive system. Also, its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties help get rid of the bad bacteria. Prepare a well-brewed cup of tea (sans milk) with two teaspoons of blueberry root powder. 

  1. Rice Water

Rice water, a starchy food, not just helps cut down the frequency of stools but also reduces its water content by making it bulkier. Rice water is an effective diarrhoea treatment in children and adults. Strain the excess water from cooked rice and take it after every bout of diarrhoea for effective results.

  1. Green Tea

Green tea is touted as an immunity booster. It also has a positive impact on the digestive system. Add 1 teaspoon of green tea to a cup of water and let it simmer on low flame for 5-7 minutes. Strain the tea leaves and enjoy your cup of green tea.

  1. Almond Milk

Lactose intolerant people tend to experience diarrhoea more often. Almond milk comes across as a healthy and safe alternative for them. Simply replace cow’s milk with almond milk to feel the difference. 


Loose motions are quite common and often not really alarming as they settle in 2-3 days with easy loose motion treatment at home. But one needs to watch out for severe water loss and dehydration. As diarrhoea can also be a result of some underlying medical conditions like cancer, hyperthyroidism, or intestinal disease, it’s advisable to consult a doctor if loose motion home remedies fail to do the trick.

One response to “20 Proven Loose Motion Home Remedies”

  1. Excellent guidelines on foods to be taken at home to cure loose motions. Thanks for such valuable information. Regards

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