Vitamins and Minerals 4 MIN READ 4986 VIEWS October 11, 2021

All You Need To Know About Vitamin K2 Rich Foods For Women

Vitamin K2
What is Vitamin K2
Benefits of Vitamin K2 for women 
Top 5 Vitamin K2 Rich Foods
Safety Concerns About The Use of Vitamin K2

You may not have heard about vitamin k2 rich foods, a rare vitamin that hasn’t received much attention. However, vitamin K is a powerful nutrient. The use of Vitamin K  can substantially impact many aspects of your health. In this article, we will learn about the benefits, dosage, and sources of Vitamin K2 for women.

What is Vitamin K2?

Vitamin K is an essential nutrient for blood clotting and is further divided into two primary forms: Vitamin K1 and Vitamin K2. Vitamin Ks can help prevent tooth decay and provide protection against chronic diseases. Vitamin K1 is generally found in plant foods like green vegetables, while vitamin K2 is found in animal-based foods and fermented foods. Vitamin K is essential for activating proteins that play a vital role in calcium metabolism, heart health, and blood clotting.

Benefits of Vitamin K2 Rich Foods for Women

Studies conducted by experts and scientists have demonstrated that the use of Vitamin K2 in women helped improve multiple aspects of their health, such as bone health, skin health, heart health, and promotes proper function of the brain. Women need to take 90- 120 mg of Vitamin K2 every day to stay healthy and avoid Vitamin K2 deficiency. Here are some of the benefits of Vitamin K2 foods for women.

1. May Help Reduce the Risk of Heart Diseases

As per studies, people with a high intake of Vitamin K2 are less likely to die from heart disease. The primary cause of heart disease is calcium buildup in the arteries. Vitamin K is known to help prevent the gathering of calcium in the arteries.

It may help in hands bone health and prevent diseases like osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is one of the most common bone diseases, mainly found in older women, increasing bone fracture risk. Vitamin K2’s positive effect on the metabolism of calcium is essential for the health of your bones and teeth. The use of Vitamin K2 activates the calcium-binding process in the body, which helps develop and maintain the bones.

A study was performed on many postmenopausal women, and it was revealed that the woman taking vitamin K2 had minor age-related bone density issues than women who didn’t consume vitamin K2. This form of Vitamin K is essential in decreasing bone fracture as well.

2. May Improve Dental Health

Research indicates that Vitamin K2 rich foods may affect dental health. The main protein responsible for overall dental health is osteocalcin which is activated by vitamin K2. Osteocalcin triggers the stimulation of new dentin – a calcified tissue found under the enamel of the teeth.

3. May Protect Against Cancer

According to several studies, vitamin K2 foods might be linked to the prevention of certain types of cancer. Two clinical studies indicate that vitamin K2 helps prevent liver cancer recurrence and boosts the chances of survival. Another study shows that people with high vitamin k2 intake may have a lower risk of advanced prostate cancer.

Top 5 Vitamin K2 Rich Foods

Vitamin K2 is commonly found in animal products or products derived from them, such as different types of meat. However, some people do not consume animal products. They can go for a vitamin K2 supplement after consulting their physician. Here are some of the best food sources of Vitamin K2.

1. Cheese

One can get their daily dose of Vitamin K2 from cheese. Not only is it the best source of vitamin K2, but cheese is also rich in nutrients such as vitamin A, calcium, and protein. However, cheese is also high in calories, and saturated fats, so remain careful with your portions.

2. Beef Liver

Beef liver is the highest nutrient offering meat that one can consume. It contains various nutrients like folate, copper, vitamin A, and riboflavin. One hundred grams of beef liver can provide you with more than 11 mg of Vitamin K2. Therefore, it is the best animal-based source of vitamin K2.

3. Chicken

Suppose you cannot eat organ meat, then you can get your daily dose of Vitamin K2 from chicken. A single serving of a hundred grams contains 10 mg of Vitamin K2, which is more than what a single serving of beef or pork contains.

4. Butter

A single tablespoon of butter contains 2.1 mg of Vitamin K2, but it also contains twice the amount of calories and fat. Therefore make sure you take a limited amount of butter in your daily diet to avoid unwanted weight gain and potential health risks.

5. Egg Yolk

A single egg yolk offers 67- 192 mg of Vitamin K2. However, this amount of Vitamin K2 may vary depending on the hen which produced the egg. Most chickens are fed with Vitamin K, which is passed on to their eggs, making it a good source of vitamin K2. 

Safety Concerns About the Use of Vitamin K2

Although vitamin k2 has multiple health benefits to offer, it is not suitable for everyone. People who are on medications for blood thinning should not consume vitamin k or their supplements without consulting with their healthcare expert first. A sudden shift in the levels of Vitamin K in the body can influence the anticoagulant effects of Warfarin which may cause some severe complications. 


Vitamin K is a powerful nutrient and has two primary forms. Both forms of vitamin K are essential for bone health and blood clotting. You can quickly find vitamin K1 in plant foods, but vitamin K2 is usually obtained from animal foods. Vitamin K2 is associated with a reduced risk of heart diseases and certain types of cancer. Usually, there are very few cases of Vitamin k2 deficiency. Still, if someone does have it, they should consult their health specialist and then Opt for a vitamin K2 supplement that suits their condition.

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