Buying Guide 3 MIN READ 1540 VIEWS July 1, 2022

Buying Guide for BCAAs

Written By HealthKart
Medically Reviewed By Dr. Aarti Nehra

Who Should Take BCAA Supplements?
Who Should Not Take BCAA Supplements?
BCAA Benefits
Types of BCAAs
BCAA as a Muscle Strengthener
BCAA and Fat Loss
Recommended BCAA Dosage
Side-Effects of BCAAS

BCAA is an acronym for Branched Chain Amino Acids. The three crucial amino acids – leucine, valine, and isoleucine have branched chain structure, hence they are named as BCCA. Our bodies are incapable of synthesising these amino acids and hence, we must rely on dietary sources for a steady supply of these. An interesting fact about BCAA supplements is that these three amino acids constitute almost one-third of all amino acids (almost 20) present in our muscle tissues. Hence, if your goal is to gain muscles, then you have to increase your intake of BCAA as a regular diet alone may not suffice. Read on to know how BCAA benefits you and explore all that you need to know about this supplement.

Who Should Take BCAA Supplements?

People who are training their bodies to gain muscle mass can consume BCAA supplements, irrespective of their sex or weight. 

Who Should Not Take BCAA Supplements?

BCAA supplements are safe for consumption. However, if someone suffers a serious allergic reaction to BCAA, they should stop taking it. Similarly, if you are pregnant or have been diagnosed with diabetes, any heart condition, or kidney problem, consult a doctor before taking this supplement.

BCAA Benefits

Some of the most important benefits of BCAA that recent research has brought to light include:

  1. BCAA are the building blocks of our muscles. The strength, endurance, and durability of your muscles depend on BCAA.
  2. These three amino acids can lower the level of fatigue and exhaustion that your muscles feel after working out.
  3. BCAAs help to regulate blood sugar levels by pushing your cells to draw sugar from the bloodstream. 
  4. Leucine in BCAA promotes the generation of muscle protein and hence increases muscle definition.

Because people need additional amounts of BCAA when they are trying to gain muscle mass, BCAA supplements are widely available in the market these days. 

Types of BCAAs

To reap the benefits of BCAA, you can get this supplement in different forms:  

1. BCAA Powder

All major health supplement brands offer BCAA powder in a plethora of flavours. You can mix this powder with other health supplements and consume the mix before, during, or after your workout session.

2. BCAA Pills or Capsules

These pills are easier to carry and are becoming quite popular these days. However, in capsule form, BCAA takes a little longer to be digested and you have to take quite a few capsules to meet the required dosage of BCAA.

BCAA as a Muscle strengthener 

BCAA preserves glycogen in your body. Glycogen is the chief source of energy during workouts and gets depleted fast. But BCAA ensures that you are provided with a steady trickle of glycogen instead of in bursts. This results in slower depletion of glycogen. Hence, you end up with more energy for your workout session.

Taking BCAA before and during a workout also ensures that your muscles heal faster. Without soreness and pain to contend with, you’ll be able to hit the gym again the next day for high-intensity training.

BCAA and Fat Loss

Next up on our BCAA guide is the impact of BCAA on weight loss. Recent studies have found that BCAA may indeed expedite weight loss. But that can happen only if you are already on a strict diet. If you are consuming fatty foods, BCAA will not be able to help. 

To make the most of BCAA benefits, you need to be aware of the right dosage:

  1. 68 kg or less (body weight): 3 grams
  2. 69 kg or more (body weight): 5 grams

You should consume BCAA before, during, and after your exercise session.

Side-Effects of BCAAs

Some BCAA supplement side-effects include:

  1. Temporary loss of coordination (avoid driving) in some people
  2. Stomach cramps
  3. Nausea
  4. Bloating
  5. Diarrhoea


Now you have a comprehensive idea of what to expect from BCAA supplements. You can decide if you should go ahead and place an order for this supplement.  

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