Diet & Nutrition 4 MIN READ 81 VIEWS December 10, 2024

Can Calcium and Vitamin D Foods Boost Calcium Absorption? 

Written By HealthKart
Medically Reviewed By Dr. Aarti Nehra

In recent years, most people have become aware and jumped into the race to get healthier. You may be one of them and should be proud of it. Meanwhile, there are instances when you don’t have the right knowledge of proper nutrient intake. Well, no worries. Let us break it to you. There are some minerals and vitamins that have significant dependence on each other for their absorption in your body. The best examples of this are calcium and vitamin D. To understand how these are related to each other, the signs of their deficiency, and calcium and vitamin D foods to boost calcium and vitamin absorption, read this blog. 

How are Calcium and Vitamin D Interrelated?

We all know that calcium is a mineral that keeps our bones strong and healthy. Did you know? As per WebMD, Your body doesn’t absorb calcium from your food until it doesn’t have enough vitamin D. Now, you must be wondering if calcium is also needed for vitamin D absorption. It’s not the truth. Calcium doesn’t directly affect the absorption of vitamin D.

The right balance of both vitamins and minerals keeps your bone strength higher and prevents the chances of osteoporosis later in life. 

Signs of Calcium and Vitamin D Deficiency

When you lack calcium and vitamin D foods, calcium deficiency is caused, as per a book published by the National Library of Medicine. This condition is called hypocalcemia. In this case, you may observe the following signs:

  • Pain and cramps in muscles
  • Numbness in hands and legs
  • Insomnia 
  • Fatigue
  • Dry skin and nail
  • Psoriasis 
  • Dental issues

Recommended Dosage of Calcium by Age 

They say too much of anything is good for nothing. So, an adequate amount of calcium absorption and intake is crucial. You can check the following recommended dosage:  

  • For men from 19-70 years, 1000 mg of calcium is recommended.
  • For men older than 70 can increase their calcium intake to 1200 mg. 
  • For women aged 19-50 years, 1000 mg is the right dosage.
  • For women older than 50 can increase calcium consumption to 1200 mg.

Vitamin D Sources 

Since calcium is dependent on vitamin D, here are some vitamin D sources: 

Cod Liver Oil 

Cod liver oil is one of the best nutrients for vitamin D if you are not much of a fish connoisseur. Historically, this oil has proven to be effective in the treatment of psoriasis, rickets, and tuberculosis. 

With an abundance of vitamin A and omega-3s, cod liver oil also plays its part in reducing body inflammation and improving your heart health. 

Egg Yolks

Though fish have a good amount of vitamin, they are not the only source of vitamin D. You can also take the benefit of egg yolks as highly nutritious food to beat vitamin D deficiency. Egg white mostly has protein content, while yolk contains vitamins, minerals, and fat. 

If you can get chicken eggs that are fostered in the sun, they have a higher amount of vitamin D. It can help you meet your daily requirements. 


Mushrooms are also among the preferred food choices for vitamin D fulfilment. It produces vitamin D2 in your body, which helps increase blood levels of vitamin D. Again, those mushrooms which are exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light have more vitamin D.  

Apart from these food sources, adding vitamin D capsules can also be a convenient option for you.

Try These Foods to Increase Calcium Intake

Since we all are aware of the benefits of calcium, it is important to consume calcium-rich foods the right way. So, here is a list of some foods that you can add to your plate: 


Yoghurt is an excellent source of calcium and is also rich in probiotics. This bacteria promotes better immune functioning and heart health and boosts nutrient absorption. If you consume low-fat yoghurt, it has even more calcium. 

If you add Greek yoghurt to your diet, you get more protein content and less calcium compared to a regular one. Its consumption also helps in lowering heart disease and type 2 diabetes. 

Lentils and Beans

Though beans and lentils are known sources of protein, fibre, iron, zinc, magnesium, and potassium, some of their varieties can also provide you with calcium. It includes winged beans. White beans are great for lowering your cholesterol levels and mitigating the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. 


You must have been consuming almonds as a snack but unaware of their nutrient profile. It is one of the rich calcium-containing nuts. Moreover, it has vitamin E, magnesium, and potassium that can help bring down your blood pressure and body fat and improve metabolic activities. 

Leafy Greens

Undoubtedly, your parents must have forced you to eat green leafy veggies since your childhood. Well, it is always for your own good as it meets your calcium requirements. These include spinach and kale. The above-listed calcium and vitamin D foods can keep your health at optimum condition. This is why it is crucial to balance your diet

Summing Up

Calcium is an important mineral in your body that functions to keep your bones healthy, allow blood to clot, and improve your heart health. For optimal calcium intake, you can aim for a recommended dosage for men and women. Some calcium and vitamin D foods like cod liver oil, mushrooms, almonds and leafy greens are best for vitamin D and calcium intake, respectively. If not with natural food sources, you can add calcium and vitamin d supplement to your routine after consulting with your doctor.

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