Vitamins and Minerals 5 MIN READ 2813 VIEWS August 15, 2021

Calcium Rich Foods That Have More Calcium Than A Glass Of Milk

Consuming calcium rich foods are important for ensuring the healthy growth of our bones and teeth. Usually, consuming a balanced diet that is full of foods with calcium does not leave much of a nutritional gap. However, if you are someone who follows specific diet such as vegetarianism or veganism, you may need to optimize your calcium intake with more versatile sources of calcium 

Medical practitioners recommend consuming about 1000mg of calcium rich foods a day in order to sustain basic bodily functions. A large part of the Indian population is deprived of the recommended daily allowance of foods with calcium, considering the dietary patterns that they follow. Consuming calcium rich foods is a must for adults in particular since their bodies begin to lose out on the stored reserves of calcium over the years

Calcium Content Of Milk

Milk is the most popular calcium rich foods. A single glass of milk contains about 125 mg of calcium. While this does put milk high up on the calcium foods list, the fact is that milk is not suited for everyone’s consumption. There may be instances wherein people experience conditions such as lactose intolerance, in which case they will need to experiment with other foods high in calcium.

While sources like milk, yogurt, and other dairy products remain one of the most prominent calcium rich foods in India, there are certain non-dairy sources of calcium that can potentially exceed it. 

Calcium Rich Foods List:


Seeds are said to be one of the most versatile sources of dietary nutrition. Certain types such as sesame seeds, chia seeds, poppy seeds, and celery contain exceptionally high levels of calcium. For example, calcium rich foods such as poppy seeds contain nearly 129 mg of calcium per tablespoon of serving. This accounts for about 13% of the recommended daily intake. 

Apart from being foods high in calcium, these seeds also pack essential nutrients such as lean proteins, healthy fats, and omega 3 fatty acids. Other foods with calcium include sesame seeds which deliver the same amount of calcium in a single serving, in addition to essential minerals such as iron, copper, and manganese. 

Beans and Lentils

Apart from being a rich source of proteins, dietary fibers, and other essential micronutrients such as iron, zinc, folate, and magnesium, beans and lentils are also foods high in calcium. Sources such as winged beans contain about 244 mg of calcium in a single serving of 170 grams. This accounts for nearly 25% of the recommended daily intake of calcium. 

Other sources of calcium such as white beans provide you with 13% of the recommended daily intake. Sources such as lentils are also rich in calcium, apart from minerals like magnesium, potassium, and dietary fibers. Apart from being prominent food sources of calcium, beans are also useful for reducing the bad LDL cholesterol levels in the body, which is useful for preventing health complications such as diabetes and heart disease. 

Whey Protein

Whey protein is one of the most potent foods that contain calcium. Since it is derived from the processing of milk and the removal of milk solids to extract the pure whey liquid that comes out of it. Most of the lactose in whey protein products is chemically extracted, making whey protein isolates an ideal choice for those with dietary restrictions. 

Apart from being a rich source of foods that contain calcium, whey protein is also rich in amino acids, which aid the body in the absorption of protein and other essential nutrients. Consuming an adequate amount of this substance can also improve the blood sugar levels in your body. A single scoop of whey protein contains about 200 mg of calcium, making it one of the most nutrient-rich foods that contain calcium. 

Leafy Greens

Dark and leafy vegetables are one of the healthiest and most natural sources of nutrition. Best source of calcium such as collard greens, spinach, and kale are exceptionally high in their nutrient content. For example, a single cup of collard greens contains about 267 mg of calcium, which is the fastest way to meet about a quarter of the recommended daily intake for calcium. Some of these dark leafy greens are also rich in oxalates, a natural compound that makes calcium less absorbable by the body. If we take spinach for instance, despite it having a high calcium content, it fails to deliver the same to the body as other low oxalate foods such as kale and collard greens on the calcium foods list. 


Rhubarb is one of the most calcium rich vegetables rich in essential nutrients such as vitamin K, dietary fibers, and prebiotics which are useful for promoting the healthy functioning of the body. The prebiotic fibers present in this help the growth of intestinal flora and micro bacteria within the gut, which is useful for improving digestion and preventing side effects such as constipation. 

A single cup of these calcium-rich vegetables contains about 290 mg of calcium, making it one of the highest food sources of calcium. One thing to keep in mind, however, is to consume a lot of rhubarb since it is also rich in oxalates, which hinder the body’s absorption of calcium. 

Fortified Foods

One of the easiest ways to obtain the recommended amounts of calcium for the body would be to consume fortified foods. The best sources of calcium such as fortified breakfast cereal are designed for the express purpose of meeting the recommended 1000 mg intake of calcium for the day within a single serving, without even adding milk. 

Combining this with the consumption of other items on the high calcium foods chart such as bread and tortillas can be beneficial for boosting the calcium content in the body since flour and cornmeal are also fortified with calcium. 


While it is important to consume 1000 mg of calcium rich foods in India throughout the day to promote optimal functioning, it is just as essential for your body to actually absorb it. This is why you need to space out your calcium consumption throughout the day, in a manner that your body can sustainably absorb it. Most of the nutrition that you consume should also come from a healthy eating plate based on a balanced diet. You can also experiment with vitamin and mineral supplements along with a rich source of calcium as a way to ensure that the recommended daily allowance of all essential micronutrients is met.

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