Diet & Nutrition 5 MIN READ 1724 VIEWS October 6, 2021

Choline: Benefits, Sources, Risks & Dosage

What Is Choline
A Word From Healthkart

Choline is a nutrient that helps with cellular growth and metabolism, among other things. Although the body produces some choline, most of it comes from food.

Choline was declared an essential vitamin by the Institute of Medicine in 1998. However, according to certain research, the majority of people do not get enough of it.

Keep reading to discover more about choline vitamins, including the daily recommended intake, its sources, and how they can improve people’s general health.

What Is Choline?

Choline is a vitamin necessary for important body functioning and general health. Even though the body produces some choline, humans must consume choline in eggs & other food sources to meet their needs.

Choline is necessary for various biological processes, including

  • Cell maintenance: Choline is used by the body to create the lipids that form cellular membranes.
  • DNA synthesis: Choline, like other nutrients like folate and vitamin B-12, can influence gene expression.
  • Metabolism: Choline aids in the metabolism of fats.
  • Nervous system functioning: Choline is converted by the body into a neurotransmitter that influences the nerves and regulates automatic body processes like breathing and heart rate.

Choline comes in two forms: fat-soluble and water-soluble. Based on the type of choline, the body distributes and absorbs it accordingly.

Water-soluble choline molecules are transported to the liver, where they are converted into lecithin, a kind of fat.

Because fat-soluble choline is usually obtained from dietary sources, it is absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract.

Choline Benefits

Choline is essential for various biological activities and may provide a variety of other health benefits, including

  • Improving memory and cognition

Choline vitamin is required for brain development.

People with higher choline levels exhibited better cognitive performance than those with lower choline levels in one observational research of 2,195 participants aged 70–74 years. Insufficient levels of choline, vitamin C, and zinc were linked to lower memory function in older males, according to a 2019 observational study.

  • Protecting heart health

The authors of a 2018 study discovered a link between higher dietary choline intake and a reduced risk of ischemic stroke. The study followed nearly 4,000 African American individuals for an average of nine years.

  • Boosting metabolism

Choline appears to play a role in fat metabolism, according to certain studies.

Female athletes who used the best choline supplement had lower body mass indices (BMIs) and leptin levels than the control group, according to the writers of a small 2014 study. Leptin is a hormone that regulates the amount of fat in the body.

  • Reducing the risk of pregnancy complications

Choline has the potential to influence fetal development and pregnancy outcomes. Women in their third trimester of pregnancy, for instance, were given either 480 mg or 930 mg of choline per day in a 2013 study.

Preeclampsia indicators were lower in those who took larger doses. High blood pressure, edema, and severe headaches are all signs of preeclampsia.

  • Improving cystic fibrosis symptoms

In ten adult males with cystic fibrosis, using the best choline supplement improved lung function and minimized symptoms of fatty liver disease, according to a 2018 study.

Choline uses

There are various choline uses, some of them are stated below:

  • According to some theories, choline may increase brain function, protect the liver from damage, and promote cardiovascular health. There is evidence for several of these functions, although it does not always prove causation. As a result, we are unable to state for sure whether choline is effective for these purposes. 
  • For instance increased choline consumption in the diet is linked to better cognitive performance. Choline supplementation did not, however, appear to directly enhance cognitive performance in clinical trials.


Soybeans, potatoes, and mushrooms, for example, are some of the foods with the highest choline concentration. Preventing deficiency should be as simple as eating a healthful, whole-food-based diet.

Choline insufficiency has been linked to the following illnesses:

  • cardiovascular disease
  • neurological conditions, such as Alzheimer’s disease
  • nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
  • neural tube irregularities
  • muscle damage

Although choline deficiency can have negative health consequences, too much choline can also cause issues, such as

  • hypotension
  • sweating
  • vomiting
  • excessive salivation
  • liver toxicity
  • a fishy body odor


The quantity of choline a person requires is determined by the following factors:

  • pregnancy or lactation
  • biological sex
  • genetics
  • age

Males aged 20–59 ingest an average of 406–421 mg of choline per day, whereas females in the same age group take roughly 290–303 mg per day, according to the United States Department of Agriculture.

Choline deficiency is also more likely among pregnant women, nursing women, and persons with genetic changes that increase the body’s requirement for choline.

Although some individuals feel that vegetarians and vegans are at risk of choline deficiency, the evidence for this is unclear.

Soybeans, potatoes, and mushrooms, for example, are some of the foods with the highest choline concentration. Preventing deficiency should be as simple as eating a healthful, whole-food-based diet.

Depending on age, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) recommends the following upper choline intake levels:

  • children aged 1–8: 1 gram (g) per day
  • children aged 9–13: 2 g per day
  • teenagers aged 14–18: 3 g per day
  • adults aged 19 or older: 3.5 g per day


Choline can be obtained from a variety of dietary sources. Within the first few months after birth, infants need a lot of choline, which they acquire mostly from breast milk or fortified food.

Most people obtain choline through their diet after they reach adulthood.

Choline can be found in a variety of foods, including:

  • proteins, such as beef, soybeans, fish, poultry, and eggs
  • vegetables, including broccoli, potatoes, and mushrooms
  • whole grains, such as quinoa, rice, and whole wheat bread
  • nuts and seeds
  • Some multivitamins and dietary supplements, as well as prepackaged and fortified foods, may contain choline in the form of lecithin.

Because the amount of choline accessible varies, it’s important to check labels before using any dietary supplements. The best choline supplement can be found in pharmacies, health food stores, and online.


Choline is a necessary ingredient for a variety of body activities, including cell membrane formation and neuron communication.

Although the recommended choline consumption is low (125–550 mg per day), most people do not get enough.

Choline shortage can lead to muscle and liver disorders, as well as cardiovascular disease, dementia, and neural tube defects in children.

People must obtain choline from food sources such as meat, eggs, and vegetables because the body does not create enough of it on its own. Choline may boost memory and cognition while also lowering the risk of ischemic stroke, according to recent scientific studies.

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