Diet & Nutrition 6 MIN READ 2416 VIEWS November 8, 2022

Cloves Benefits That’ll Surprise You

cloves benefits
About Cloves
Clove Nutritional Value
Amazing Cloves Benefits
How to Use Cloves?
Clove Side Effects
Clove Precautions

Cloves are found in every kitchen. The small brown spice adds flavour, aroma, and health benefits to everything it is used in. Although being one of the most sought-after spices, not many are aware of the amazing health benefits of cloves. Read through to learn about cloves and cloves benefits.

About Cloves

Cloves are small, aromatic flower buds of the Syzygium aromaticum tree. It belongs to the Myrtaceae family and is native to Indonesia. It is an evergreen tree. The different harvest seasons in different countries make cloves available throughout the year.

The clove that is used in any other kitchen is the dried flower bud. It can be used whole or grounded, depending on the purpose. Clove oil that is extracted from the whole clove pod has many uses. Clove oil benefits the body as it has high medicinal value.

While the small dark brown pods add rich aroma and fragrance to the recipes, they also have several non-culinary uses. This is because of the range of impressive health benefits it confers. Read on to know about the health benefits of cloves.

Clove Nutritional Value

Cloves have a high concentration of micronutrients. One tablespoon of ground cloves contains:

  • Calories – 18
  • Carbohydrates – 4 gm
  • Fibre – 2.2 gm
  • Sugar – 0.15 gm
  • Proteins – 0.4 gm
  • Fat – 1.3 gm
  • Calcium – 40.5 mg
  • Vitamin K – 9 mcg
  • Manganese – 1.9 mg
  • Vitamin E – 0.573 mg
  • Vitamin B6 – 0.081 mg
  • Folate – 6 mcg

It also contains Beta-carotene, a plant pigment and eugenol, a potent antioxidant.

Amazing Cloves Benefits

The health benefits of cloves are primarily associated with their analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial attributes. Here are some of the essential benefits of cloves:

1. Reducing Inflammation

Cloves are a rich source of plant-based compounds. Eugenol, the most abundantly present antioxidant in cloves, has high anti-inflammatory properties. Research shows that eugenol helps reduce the inflammatory response in the body. This reduces the risk of developing inflammatory diseases like arthritis.

2. Fighting Free Radicals

The high antioxidant content in cloves fights free radicals and reduces oxidative stress in the body which fuels several chronic disorders like heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and premature ageing. Eugenol is a powerful antioxidant which eliminates cell-damaging free radicals.

3. Providing Relief from Toothache

The antibacterial property of cloves fights oral bacteria. Moreover, the anaesthetic properties of cloves help numb the painful area. This helps in subsiding toothache. Placing a whole clove on the affected tooth or applying clove oil, both show promising results. The anti-inflammatory properties of cloves help in treating mouth and gum inflammation.

4. Helping Control Blood Sugar Levels

Eating polyphenolic clove extract before and after eating food helps reduce blood sugar levels. Research shows that compounds in cloves promote the production of insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas that enables the body to use sugar from carbohydrates. Low levels of insulin allow the sugars to circulate in the blood, leading to diabetes.

5. May Help Protect Against Cancers

The high level of antioxidants in cloves fights cancer-causing free radicals. Uncontrolled free radicals spur cell growth, leading to the growth of tumours. Furthermore, eugenol, the antioxidant found in cloves, exhibits anticancer properties which trigger the death of cervical cancer cells.

6. Protection Against Infections

Antimicrobial properties in cloves thwart the growth of bacteria, viruses and other microbes. Research shows that clove oil benefits the stomach by eliminating the bacteria responsible for causing food poisoning. Furthermore, cloves help improve oral health, improving overall health and well-being.

7. May Help Improve Liver Health

Cloves contain compounds that promote liver health. High amounts of eugenol in cloves help reduce fatty liver disease. Research shows that eugenol in daily diet helps improve and reduce liver inflammation by cutting down oxidative stress. This helps improve liver function. Furthermore, cloves help alter the levels of glutathione-S-transferases (GSTs), an enzyme responsible for the detoxification of the liver.

8. Promoting Bone Health

Clove compounds help preserve bone mass. This improves bone density and strength, reducing the risk of developing osteoporosis. Cloves are also rich in manganese, a mineral important for the formation of bones and sustaining bone health.

9. Reducing Stomach Ulcers

Factors like stress, infections and genetics can erode the protective lining of the stomach, leaving them susceptible to sores and stomach ulcers. But compounds in cloves increase the production of gastric mucus which acts as a barrier and prevents the erosion of the stomach lining by digestive acids. This helps prevent painful stomach ulcers.

10. Controlling Acne Outbreak

Clove oil benefits the skin by acting as a perfect spot treatment for acne. High eugenol concentration in cloves reduces inflammation and suppresses the growth of bacteria. This helps manage acne outbreaks effectively.

11. Promoting Sexual Health

Clove oil improves sexual functioning in men. Cloves are believed to increase testosterone levels and improve blood flow in men. Both are important markers of improved sexual health. Research shows that eugenol concentration in cloves helps correct erectile dysfunction, a condition marked by an inability to get and hold an erection for a long time.

12. Anti-Ageing Properties

Clove compounds protect the body against the signs of ageing. Clove pods possess high anti-inflammatory properties. They tweak the epigenetic cues and mitochondrial activity to slow down the process of ageing. Furthermore, the high antioxidant value of cloves helps fight free radicals and reduce oxidative stress, two markers of premature ageing.

13. Helping Prevent Obesity

Cloves increase the rate of metabolism. This means the body burns more calories throughout the day. This helps in weight loss. Cloves benefits for weight loss increase as they possess anti-cholesteric and anti-lipid properties. These help in controlling cholesterol and plasma glucose levels respectively.

14. Potent Cough Remedy

Compounds in clove oil act as an expectorant which loosens the mucus in the throat and oesophagus. Clove oil when mixed with honey works as a natural remedy to cure persistent dry cough. Inhaling fumes of burning cloves can provide relief from respiratory conditions like cold, cough, bronchitis, asthma, and several upper-respiratory ailments.

How to Use Cloves?

Clove pods are used in cooking. Grounded clove is used as a spice during cooking or garnishing foods. Clove oil is an active ingredient in cosmetics and medicinal creams and ointments. Clove extract also has non-culinary uses. Compounds in cloves are an active germicide. The most popular ways in which cloves are used include:

  • Whole cloves are brewed in water to prepare clove tea.
  • Clove essential oil is used in a diffuser as a natural cleaner.
  • Grounded clove is used for garnishing.
  • Whole cloves are cooked in gravies to add a warm spiciness.

Clove Side Effects

The health benefits of cloves are galore. But if consumed in excessive quantities or not used properly, it can harm your body.

Ingestion of clove oil can disturb the intestinal microbiota, killing some good gut bacteria. This can lead to low immunity and an increased risk of other associated disorders. Thus, clove oil is best for topical application.

Likewise, swallowing the whole clove may cause a burning sensation in the oesophagus and stomach. Therefore, it is best to use cloves while cooking and avoid ingesting clove pods.

Clove Precautions

Cloves have a rich flavour and high health impact. Therefore, they must be used with caution. Though it can be used as a spice, the use of clove oil and clove tea must be limited to the following groups of people:

  • People on blood thinners
  • People who have low blood sugar levels


Clove is a dried flower bud of a clove tree. While it makes for a great spice, it also confers several herbal benefits. Cloves can be an easy addition to your daily diet. The spice adds rich flavour and taste and the health benefits of cloves boost wellness. Clove benefits are typically linked to its high amounts of antioxidants that reduce oxidative stress and slow down the development of chronic disease.

Cloves also help improve liver health and bone strength. Furthermore, clove oil benefits the body in many ways. It is known to improve sexual health in both men and women. When used for topical application, its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties help soothe skin conditions. But eugenol, the key antioxidant present in cloves, is highly toxic. Therefore, it is best to use cloves in moderation.

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