FAQ 5 MIN READ 1240 VIEWS November 12, 2021

Diabetes-Related Question And Its Answers


What is diabetes?

According to World Health Organization, diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs either when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces. In layman’s language, diabetes is a dangerous disease when there is too much sugar in your blood.

What is type 2 diabetes?

Type 2 diabetes is a chronic health condition in which the body doesn’t produce enough insulin or resists insulin. Many people don’t get the regular signs of diabetes like increased urination, enhanced hunger, a feeling of tiredness all the time, and blurred vision. Type 2 diabetes is the most common type of diabetes among people across the world. The two prime reasons for “type 2 diabetes” are – obesity and physical inactivity.

What is prediabetes?

Prediabetes is known as “borderline” diabetes. It means a health condition in which the blood sugar level is high but not as high as to be“type 2” diabetes. Usually, the symptoms of pre-diabetes are: peeing more than normal, feeling thirsty more, feeling tired more than normal, and having blurred vision. People who are susceptible to pre-diabetes are – those who are above 45, those who have heart disease, polycystic ovary syndrome, obesity, belly fat, high cholesterol, and those who don’t exercise.

What are the 3 most common symptoms of undiagnosed diabetes?

An increase in the number of peeing, an increased thirst, and enhanced hunger are the 3 most commonly found undiagnosed diabetes symptoms

Can diabetes be cured permanently?

Type 1 diabetes can never be cured permanently because it is a metabolic disorder in which the pancreas produces almost no insulin and that results in an enhanced blood sugar level. As it is an autoimmune disease, there is no permanent cure. Type 2 diabetes, on the other hand, can be controlled with a change in your diet, workout regimen, and lifestyle choices. With considerable effort, one can reach a normal blood sugar level and lead a medicine-free life.

Is diabetes reversible in early stages?

In the early stages of diabetes, i.e., in the first 3-5 years, if you follow a strict diet, exercise regularly, restrict your calories, sleep well, release tensions, quit smoking and drinking, and take medicine as prescribed by the doctor, you may be able to reverse diabetes. But again this is possible for type 2 diabetes patients.

How long can you have diabetes without knowing?

Yes, it is possible that you may have diabetes and not know about it for quite some time. In type 2 diabetes, most of the affected people aren’t aware of the disease due to this lack of any diabetes symptoms. From a few months to years – this unawareness may vary from person to person. But when you have the slightest doubt or when your doctor asks you to get the blood sugar test done, do not delay the process.

How can I naturally beat diabetes?

Once you are affected by diabetes, you can only follow the charts prepared by your doctors and nutritionists. A proper strategy will always work in your favor to beat the surged glucose levels. Adhering to simple lifestyle rules will help you recover from diabetes disease:

  • Eat on time
  • Count your calories
  • Never miss your medicine
  • Test blood sugar at regular intervals
  • Exercise regularly
  • Sleep in time (no late night) and sleep well (a sound sleep)
  • Quit drinking and smoking
  • Go for strength training
  • Manage carbohydrates
  • Increase fiber-rich food types
  • Go for foods with a low glycemic index
  • Opt for magnesium and chromium-rich foods
  • Do not stress out about anything

Apart from these strategies that may help you cut down your sugar levels naturally, you can also include the following types of food in your diet: –

  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Cinnamon
  • Fenugreek
  • Gymnema
  • Aloe Vera
  • Zinc-rich foods like legumes, seeds, or whole grains
  • Fruits and vegetables rich in fiber like pears, strawberries, avocados, apples, bananas, carrots, raspberries, beet, broccoli, banana, etc. 

How can I test my diabetes at home without a machine?

You can opt for the traditional home glucose monitor to get your diabetes test done. Here, you need to prick your finger with a lancet or sharp needle and put a drop of blood on the test strip. Now, place the strip into a meter that will show your blood sugar levels. Record this result to show it to your doctor. The meters are available in a variety of forms. Some are costlier, some are bigger in size, some have better speed, and some have spoken instructions.

Which is worse type 1 or 2 diabetes?

There is nothing good about diseases and any form of any disease is worst than worse. Still, if both types of diabetes have to be compared then type 2 diabetes is believed to be milder than type 1. Although type 2 diabetes also brings complications in the kidney, heart, and eyes but again it is something that you can control with a changed lifestyle, following a strict diet chart, exercising regularly, and consuming medicines as prescribed by your doctor. By following these simple rules, you can soon notice a positive change in your body and might lead a medicine-free life. But that can never happen with type 1 diabetes.

How do you feel when your blood sugar is too high?

The signs that your body shows when you have high blood sugar or the way a person feels in high blood sugar are: –

  • Feeling hungry often
  • Unintentional and unhealthy weight loss
  • Feeling thirsty more
  • A constant feeling of fatigue or tiredness
  • Any cuts or sores don’t heal easily
  • Blurry vision
  • Lack of sleep
  • Frequent headaches
  • A tingling or numb feeling in hands and feet
  • Dry mouth
  • Peeing more than normal
  • Rapid heartbeat

Is cow’s milk good for diabetic patients?

No, cow’s milk is not good for diabetic patients. When you have either type 1 or type 2 diabetes, you have to watch the calories and carbohydrates. In cow’s milk there are carbohydrates that will break down and become sugar in your bloodstream leading to a surge in your blood sugar level. If you want to have milk, you can opt for fat-free or low-fat milk. By opting for low-fat or fat-free milk, your body can absorb the essential doses of calcium only minus any unwanted or unhealthy fat.

Does staying up late at night cause diabetes?

Lack of proper sleep has been associated with diabetes because that causes insulin resistance. Sleep and diabetes actually go hand in hand. Due to diabetes, you may feel a loss of sleep and as you cannot sleep your diabetes level will surge. Nutritionists and doctors suggest eating right and eating on time throughout the day and if you follow them religiously, you will notice a change. And those who don’t have diabetes but stay up late at night must change their lifestyle to avoid any blood sugar related issues.

Is there any relation between consuming excess sugar and getting diabetes?

Being overweight or obese or having a large waistline coupled with physical inactivity are the causes of diabetes primarily. But having said that, one cannot also ignore the fact that those who drink sugar-sweetened beverages regularly have a roughly 25% greater risk of type 2 diabetes. Also, those countries where sugar consumption is the highest have shown the highest rates of type 2 diabetes. So, if you want to avoid any early signs of diabetes or getting diabetic, simply avoid sweets or limit the consumption. And in case you cannot control that lure of sweet items, then work out more.

Why diabetes is called silent killer?

Diabetes refers to a health condition in which the level of sugar in the bloodstream is more than the normal limit. This often has a damaging effect on other things in the body starting from cardiovascular diseases to kidney functions, eyesight to high blood pressure. In a nutshell, once you have diabetes and you don’t work towards lowering the level, there will be many other complicated issues or diseases that your body will welcome. That’s the prime reason behind calling diabetes a silent killer.

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