Hair, Skin & Nails 4 MIN READ 2042 VIEWS April 26, 2022

Do Sunscreens Really Work? Understand the Science Behind Them

Do sunscreens really work

The summers are here and apart from giving us the pleasure of relishing mangoes, this season also makes us reel under scorching and intense heat. There is no doubt about the fact that many of us are well aware of sunscreen usage but for some reason, don’t make it a part of our daily routine. And, this is mainly because of one question – “do sunscreens really work?” In this article, not only are we going to divulge the benefits of wearing sunscreen on face every day but also answer the million-dollar question i.e. “does sunscreen really work?” So, without further ado, let’s proceed.

Do Sunscreens Really Work?

By now, you must be aware that almost all dermatologists and skincare specialists recommend the usage of sunscreen before heading out in the sun. This is because a number of studies have shown that the regular use of sunscreen does help in protecting our skin by blocking harmful sun rays (both UVA and UVB), which cause sunburns, premature ageing, wrinkles, pigmentation issues, fine lines and deadly skin cancer. SPF (sun protection factor) on the sunscreen tells you the amount of protection the product will offer against harmful rays.

Skincare specialists also recommended that SPF between 30 and 50 is ideal to offer sufficient protection against both rays, which are known to have overlapping effects. This means that both UVA (which mainly cause dark spots and fine lines) and UVB rays (which are mainly responsible for skin cancers and sunburns) are capable of causing sunburns and premature ageing.

Furthermore, many are of the view that these creams should only be used during summers, which is definitely not the case. Sunscreens work well throughout the year, even if it is cloudy or rainy. Sun rays are capable of passing through the clouds, thus causing harm to your skin. Experts also suggest that one should choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen that can shield against both UVA and UVB rays. Now that we are clear that these creams do actually work, let’s see the benefits of wearing sunscreen on face every day.

Benefits of Sunscreens

A must-have skincare product, sunscreen is really a necessity owing to the benefits it brings with itself. These days, sunscreens are water-resistant and come in a variety of forms to suit different preferences and requirements. Here is a look at different reasons why you need to wear sunscreen whenever you are stepping out.

1. Protection from Harmful UV Rays 

It is not an unknown fact that sunscreen does really work in protecting your skin against detrimental ultraviolet rays of the sun, which are mainly responsible for causing major skin problems.

2. Keeping Premature Ageing at Bay 

Yes, you heard that right! Sunscreens also have the capability to prevent premature ageing and give you healthy, radiant skin. These creams also keep fine lines, pigmentation, wrinkles, sunspots, photodamage, and dryness at bay. This is undoubtedly one of the main benefits of wearing sunscreen on face every day.

3. Reducing Blotchiness on the Face

This might be not known to many but sunscreens do help in preventing blotchiness coupled with the onset of red veins on the face. This, in turn, helps prevent the occurrence of acne and other detrimental effects of sun rays too.

4. Helping Prevent Sunburns 

Being out in the sun, without applying sunscreen may result in causing your skin to turn red and irritated. Sunburns might make your skin thinner and more prone to bruises, swelling, peeling, redness, itching, and hives. The blisters can also increase the risk of skin cancer!

5. Averting Tanning 

Many people have a penchant for a suntan. But by sunbathing, you might be putting your skin at a higher risk of different disorders. Hence, before heading for sunbathing, you should apply sunscreen (at least SPF 30) liberally in order to avoid UVB rays-induced tanning. Moreover, you should apply sunscreen every two hours as sweating might eliminate the protective coating.

6. Makes Skin Healthier 

Another major benefit of wearing sunscreen on face every day is that it guards major skin proteins, including keratin, collagen, and elastin. This, in turn, keeps the skin healthy and smooth. While choosing a sunscreen, make sure that it has titanium dioxide so that it can reflect the UV rays and protect these proteins.

7. Nice Cosmetic Option 

Sunscreens, these days, are available in different variants and can be applied as a standalone face cream or base cream under your makeup. This helps keep your skin protected from the harmful effects of not only sun rays but makeup too.


We hope this answers your question “do sunscreens really work?”. Apart from preventing tanning, premature ageing and sunburns, sunscreens also reduce the risk of skin cancer. And, as we discussed above, sunscreens help keep your skin healthy and glowing. So, make sure you apply it 30 minutes before stepping out in the sun and then every two hours to avoid the harmful effects of harsh sun rays.

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