Vitamins and Minerals 3 MIN READ 1475 VIEWS December 21, 2021

Essential Benefits of Vitamin D for Skin

Written By HealthKart
Medically Reviewed By Dr. Aarti Nehra

Benefits of Vitamin D for Skin
Vitamin D Benefits for Skin
Vitamin D for Acne
Side-Effects & Risks

A fat-soluble hormone, vitamin D is essential for maintaining the calcium and phosphate levels in the body. Found in fish, dairy products, etc., Vitamin D is also received from exposure to sunlight. Besides boosting immunity and strengthening bones, teeth, and muscles, it is good for your skin. One of the best benefits of Vitamin D for skin is that it helps treat acne and disorders like eczema. Adding Vitamin D supplements in your day-to-day routine would significantly enhance your lifestyle. To understand the role of vitamin D for skin, read on.

How is Vitamin D Good for Skin? 

There are multiple benefits of vitamin D for skin. Here is what the required amount of vitamin D does to your skin: 

  1. Your skin is your body’s largest organ and is linked to your overall health. Hence, vitamin D is crucial for your health.  
  2. Healthy vitamin D levels help prevent skin from premature ageing and provide it overall protection. Calcitriol is the active form of vitamin D that helps in skin cell growth, repair, and metabolism. 
  3. Vitamin D supplements have anti-cancer benefits. It has anti-inflammatory properties and inhibits the proliferation of cancer cells.  
  4. Also, vitamin D supplements help treat several skin conditions like psoriasis, eczema, and dry/itchy skin.  
  5. Vitamin D has antimicrobial properties too. You can use topical vitamin D to fight your symptoms. 
  6. You can also trust vitamin D for skin whitening. It helps create healthy cells and this plays an important role in improving skin tone.

Vitamin D for Acne

If you are deficient in vitamin D, then staying outdoors and soaking up the sun would not fix your problems. Doctors say prolonged exposure to sunlight can sometimes be harmful. Exposure to the sun without using a protective sunscreen can also increase the risk of skin cancer. You must consume food that is rich in vitamin D for the best results. Few food items that are rich in vitamin D include dairy and milk products. If you are lactose intolerant, then you may consider taking a vitamin D supplement. 

You must always be careful about the dosage when taking an oral supplement. Inform your doctor beforehand if you are taking other supplements such as calcium or prenatal vitamins. Notably, vitamin D supplements are best taken with a meal.

Side-Effects and Risks Involved

Benefits of vitamin D for skin are numerous. However, it must always be taken in moderation. Overdose of vitamin D is a strict no. The most common side-effect of vitamin D includes excess calcium buildup in your blood. This condition is also called hypercalcemia and can cause nausea and vomiting. In some cases, an operation is a compulsory part of treatment. Taking too much vitamin D over time can also lead to tissue calcification, kidney stones, and organ damage.


If you have acne issues that do not get better with any product, then you may be suffering from vitamin D deficiency. The benefits of vitamin D for skin are miraculous. Speak to your doctor or dermatologist and a blood test can determine your vitamin D levels. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to severe health concerns. This is why it must be treated immediately.

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