Transformation 1 MIN READ Sep 2, 2016

Fat to Fit

22/23 110kg > 72kg 30% > 16%

It took a lot of determination and hard work to transform myself from fat to fit. Now, I feel more confident about myself and this transformation has brought in positive changes not in my body but also in my personality.

Why you decided to Transform?

I was worried in my sub-conscious mind. With no work, no physique and no productivity, one fine day I chose to accompany my friend to his gym. I did, except I just dropped him in my car and came back to pick him up later. You know how it is, “bhai kal se pakka gym, pakka!” That went on for a while until in Mid-April when I first entered the gym. It was a really weird feeling, telling myself “bhai karna hai toh ab jee jaan se warna abhi wapis chaleja”. I felt something, for the first time in a long-long time, there was a positive vibe about something.

What challenges did you face?

I am a Chef by profession and run a successful catering business in town. That meant I had and still have amazing food of all sorts around me. Keeping my mouth zipped was the biggest challenge.

How did you overcome these challenges?

Be Self Motivated. Period.

Suggestion for future transformers

Workout regularly, eat healthy, be dedicated and READ! Read up on the internet, what to eat, what to avoid, when to eat, it’s all out there waiting to be read! Let nobody fool you for your money. Be your own health doctor. But make it a point to always keep a physical activity involved. Only cutting on your diet will make you lose those extra inches but that’s just your muscle and water, not the fat! I weighed 110kgs when I joined the gym and in 10 months managed to lose 38kgs, 8inches on the waist and wear a size M. It’s been almost 4 months since I have been stable at that weight (apart from 2-3kgs gain in muscle) and the best part? I eat everything. It’s just how you balance your nutritional intake with your workout routines. To do that always be motivated. For me, motivation was when I lost the first 4kgs and henceforth. Be calm, be patient, good things take time and effort. Be disciplined, and be truthful especially to yourself. Keep a close watch on your weight, in fact, I used to weigh myself every morning to help understand how my previous day’s routine has affected my weight. The graph was not always down, but don’t get disheartened…it takes time. Healthy is a lifestyle, not just a habit. My body feels more active, my sleep clock is well calibrated, skin is cleaner and above all, I feel good and confident about myself. One thing that really amuses me is that my focus in life has also drastically improved. My professional life is better and I can feel the “boy to man” transition taking place with me currently. SO Stop making excuses people, you can only fool the world and not yourself! You know you can do it, it’s just about the first push. GET UP, GET OUT!
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