Women's Wellness 5 MIN READ 3015 VIEWS August 25, 2022 Read in Hindi

Food for Irregular Periods: Does Protein Help?

Food for irregular periods

Eating the right food for irregular periods can be an extremely important step towards your menstrual health.

Females experience the menstrual cycle naturally, which also serves to get the body ready for a possible pregnancy. The interaction of hormones causes a number of changes to take place in the body. A healthy menstrual flow typically occurs between 21 and 35 days. Every woman’s cycle is different in length. Typically, bleeding lasts four to seven days. Due to a variety of factors, including food, stress, medical conditions, and birth control pills, the menstrual cycle and the bleeding might last longer, be shorter, heavy or light, painful or infrequent, or any combination of these. Overtraining and low body weight can both interfere with your menstrual cycle.

Finding out what’s causing an irregular menstrual cycle is the first step in regulating your periods. Finding an efficient remedy will be easier after the problem has been identified.

What can Cause Irregular Periods?

Numerous things might impact the menstrual cycle. The primary impact, other than stress, medication side effects, thyroid, and age, is lifestyle. Your menstrual cycle will remain regular if you maintain a healthy diet, level of physical activity, and sleep schedule.

Diet for Irregular Periods

Obesity may lead to hormonal imbalances and insulin level disturbances. Period irregularities may be caused by this hormonal imbalance. We must make good eating choices because obesity may cause these problems. Listed below are some of the best foods that help regulate periods:

1. Oily Fish

Any oily fish, including mackerel, salmon, and others, can help you in regulating your period. Oily fishes, which are abundant in good fats, proteins, and omega 3 fatty acids, can also help in easing uncomfortable cramps and bloating by lowering inflammation.

2. Turmeric

Turmeric, which is well known for its therapeutic benefits, can help regulate your menstrual cycle. Turmeric has a high antioxidant content and is warming. If you experience irregular periods, you should add turmeric in your diet as it helps balance hormones. You can obtain it by having turmeric milk. Take a cup of milk with half a teaspoon of turmeric in it. This beverage, known as golden milk, will also decrease uncomfortable cramps during PMS.

3. Wholegrain

Whole grains, which are rich in fibre, vitamin B, and proteins, will help your body’s hormone balance. White bread and other foods high in high-glycemic carbohydrates, such as sweets, might intensify the signs of excessive bleeding. Instead, choose whole wheat bread. You can also switch to quinoa, popcorn, brown rice, and oats. There’s a reason it can be trusted as the right food for irregular periods.

4. Papaya

The fruit you must eat is papaya if you miss or have a short menstrual cycle. It maintains your menstrual health. Before breakfast, have a fresh papaya to ensure regular periods. Additionally, your skin’s health will be improved.

5. Flaxseeds

One of the healthiest seeds is flaxseed. Flaxseeds have a number of health advantages since they are rich in fibre, omega 3 fatty acids, and good fats. According to a study, the lignans found in flaxseeds help in hormone balancing. The study also found that patients with PCOS who took flaxseed supplements had reduced levels of androgen. Period irregularities might result from PCOS.

6. Parsley

Although parsley is frequently used as a garnish on many foods, it can also be used as a treatment for irregular periods. Parsley contains substances like myristicin and apiol that help in the appropriate synthesis of oestrogen, which in turn helps control the menstrual cycle. Additionally, it stimulates blood flow within the body, which aids in controlling period cycles.

7. Cinnamon

Love cinnamon’s flavour? Awesome! In addition to increasing the flavour of your food, cinnamon can help you have regular menstrual cycles. It internally warms the body, causing the blood flow to increase.

8. Pineapple

This fruit is thought to boost the production of red and white blood cells. Additionally, it aids in controlling blood flow and uterine lining shedding during menstruation.

9. Carom Seeds

The antispasmodic properties of carom seeds are quite effective at reducing irregular menstrual cycles. Additionally, they stimulate the uterus effectively.

10. Beetroot 

It has been shown that folic acid and iron-rich foods can minimise period bloating. It is also thought to control irregular menstruation cycles. Beetroot is considered as the powerhouse of calcium, iron, and folic acid apart from other nutrients.

11. Ginger

The health benefits of ginger are numerous. Ginger is effective for everything – even colds and digestion! Ginger’s magnesium and vitamin C concentration can help with uterine contraction, which in turn triggers the start of your menstruation.

12. Aloe vera

Your hormones can be managed and controlled with the use of aloe vera, which in turn regulates your period. Take one spoonful of honey and fresh aloe vera gel every morning before breakfast for the best results.

Importance of Protein Intake During Menstrual Cycles

Some women may become food intolerant during their periods, while for others, it may be a time when her appetites for certain foods overwhelm her. During these times, a lot happens. Mood swings begin to occur as oestrogen and progesterone fall, followed by other period-related discomforts.

Blood sugar levels, which are thought to be the cause of cravings and an increase in appetite, also show a minor alteration. This is probably the reason why many of us desire to devour a bar of chocolate, a hamburger, and some chips all at once.

However, most of the time, the foods we crave are high in sugar and carbohydrates. So, when they break down inside the body, they help boost mood and give quick energy but this energy spike is temporary. You soon experience increased hunger and exhaustion. For this reason, eating foods high in protein during periods is recommended.

Proteins aid in the body’s slow absorption of glucose, which makes managing changing blood sugar levels simpler. Fibre also has a comparable impact. For this reason, eating protein and fibre helps a menstrual woman maintain a healthy blood sugar level and gives her steady energy.

It is only natural that you eat healthy so that your energy levels don’t drop when your body is under the strain of dealing with the uterine lining churning and those awful cramps and aches. Organise your meal so that you can include some protein in one manner or another rather than giving in to your desires. A glass of milk or cheese, together with a chicken breast sandwich, soy chunks, boiled eggs or an egg sandwich, can help one receive enough protein to combat lethargy during menstruation. In fact, consuming more fibre-rich foods like whole grains, fruits, or vegetables is beneficial.

Remember that fibre gives the waste in the digestive tract more weight while protein slows the breakdown of nutrients and helps to control blood sugar levels. Protein and fibre both work to keep you full and provide you with gradual, steady energy – unlike foods high in carbohydrates and sugar, which may cause a quick sugar drop.


If you are aware of the underlying cause of your irregular menstrual cycles, try to address it with the help of a skilled nutritionist while also incorporating these foods in your diet. While having the right food for irregular periods, you should also change your lifestyle in order to maintain your menstrual health for the long run. 

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