English 4 MIN READ 54 VIEWS October 11, 2024

How New Moms Can Improve Breast Milk Supply?

Written By HealthKart
Medically Reviewed By Dr. Aarti Nehra

Motherhood is one of the best phases of a woman’s life and is also challenging; one of the most crucial tasks that every new mom has to take care of is to provide enough nourishment to their babies, which can only be achievable by time-to-time feeding.

For several months following their birth, breast milk is the most beneficial source of nourishment for babies. Milk is made in sacs present in your breasts’ glands and travels through ducts to your nipple, where it emerges from tiny openings. This is known as the letdown reflex. The amount of breast milk that you make is influenced by numerous factors. Your milk supply is deemed low if you are not producing enough milk to satisfy your baby’s usual needs for growth and development. Low supply is typically a temporary issue that will get better with the right measures; however, the mother should know the impactful tips which help improve breast milk for the baby’s better nourishment. So, read on to learn how to increase breast milk instantly.

Tips to Increase Breast Milk Supply

Facing reduced breast milk supply? Fortunately, there is plenty you can do about it, from eating foods that improve breast milk and trying supplements to increasing the frequency of nursing. Here are some ways to increase your supply of breast milk. 

Nurse Frequently

Your body produces more milk when your baby nurses more frequently. Don’t stick to a rigid timetable. Nurse your baby whenever they are hungry and for as long as they want, particularly, during the first couple of weeks of establishing your milk supply. When the first breast is empty, offer the other.

Keep Your Baby in Mind When Pumping

Wondering how to increase milk supply when pumping? Well, you need to understand that your baby is the cue for both milk letdown and production. So, as you start to pump, try gazing at a picture of your baby, hearing a recording of their voice, or smelling their blanket or sleeper. When pumping, this helps boost your milk supply. 

Breast Massage

You can increase the fat content and volume on your milk by giving yourself a massage. Massage your breasts close to your chest and then a bit further towards your nipples while your baby is “comfort nursing,” which means they are calming and comforting themselves more than drinking. Then, wait for your baby to take a few swallows. Next, give another area of the same breast some additional massage, and wait for more swallows. Repeat.

Eat Foods That Improve Breast Milk Supply

Consume nutritious snacks and well-balanced meals to nourish your body and promote a healthy milk production. You can make sure you’re getting enough nutrients by adhering to a healthy diet plan, such as the Mediterranean diet or an anti-inflammatory diet. Choose meals that are high in whole grains, such as brown rice, foods high in omega-3s, such as salmon and flaxseeds, vegetable proteins, and vegetables and fruits to increase breastmilk supply. Wondering which foods increase breast milk supply? The top options include almonds, oatmeal and dark green vegetables. 

Herbal Supplements

You can also take certain beneficial herbal supplements to increase breast milk. Two of these remedies are ginger and fenugreek. Fenugreek comes in two forms: a supplement and a herb that may be used to make tea. Additionally, there is some evidence that ginger may boost the production of milk. Try grating or slicing fresh ginger and adding it to some of your favourite recipes or brewing tea with it. You can even get ginger in the form of extracts, tinctures, oils, and pills.

Sleep As Much As Possible

Get restorative sleep as much as you can, and take naps during the day when the infant is asleep. In addition to aiding in your body’s recovery from pregnancy and childbirth, getting adequate sleep encourages your body to create more breast milk. Meanwhile, getting too little sleep can affect your ability to produce milk, so you should try to get as much sleep as possible.

Stay Hydrated

Since 90% of breast milk is water, it’s important to remember to obtain adequate fluids each day. Nursing mothers should have an additional eight glasses of water daily in addition to the eight 8-ounce glasses that are advised for adults. Drink more water if you’re feeling thirsty. Additionally, symptoms such as headaches, dry mouth, or dizziness may indicate insufficient hydration. To help you stay hydrated, you can also try eating fruits high in water content, such as berries, cucumbers, and melons.


Many new mothers stress about increasing their breast milk supply, but it is possible to increase production quickly with the appropriate strategy. To do this, you should follow the suggested tips that help improve breast milk supply, do breastfeed frequently, perform breast massages, drink plenty of water, and encourage lactation. Herbal remedies and getting enough sleep can also help improve output. If you’re wondering how to increase breast milk in one day, following these tips will help you see noticeable changes, giving your baby the nutrition they need and supporting your general well-being as a new mother.

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