Lifestyle Changes 5 MIN READ 1475 VIEWS November 23, 2021

Lack of Sleep Side Effects on Your Digestive Health

Written By HealthKart
Medically Reviewed By Dr. Aarti Nehra

Lack of Sleep Side Effects
Correlation Between Sleep and Digestion
How can Lack of Sleep Cause Digestive Issues
Other Lack of Sleep Side Effects You cannot Overlook
Benefits of Proper Sleep
How can One Ensure Proper Sleep

We all know what a nutrient deficiency can do to the body but we often underestimate the lack of sleep side effects. There are many things a human being needs to make it through the day, like – meals, water, ample rest, peace, and good sleep. But having a proper sleeping schedule is something we often neglect. It is said that one must sleep at least 6-8 hours every day for the proper functioning of the body. 

A person who has slept well can have a more relaxed mind and a happier mood. However, lack of sleep, on the other hand, can give you serious health issues. Other than being lethargic all day, sleep and digestion directly connect; hence, lack of sleep side effects also includes digestive issues.  

If you are still wondering ‘can sleep deprivation cause digestive problems?’, read on to find out how. 

Correlation Between Sleep and Digestion

Yes, believe it or not, sleep and digestion are interrelated. All our organs need sleep to function and perform adequately. 

Have you ever noticed how people who do not sleep well or have an unusual sleep pattern, often complain of issues related to their gut? Many people who have stomach aches at night often believe that the digestive issues are keeping them awake, hardly understanding that it may well be the other way round. It may be their unusual sleeping pattern that is leading to digestive problems and stomach pains. 

How can Lack of Sleep Cause Digestive Issues?

This of course is the most obvious next question to ask and a straightforward answer to ‘can sleep deprivation cause digestive problems?’ is a yes. Lack of sleep can be a cause of many digestive issues. Sleep is your body going to rest after you have had a busy day. Delaying it can have several adverse effects, digestive issues being just one of them.

This is how it works: 

1. Melatonin is a hormone released in our body during the nighttime. This is the hormone that helps us sleep and helps regulate gastrointestinal mobility. When you are sleep deprived, the melatonin is disturbed, which causes stress, leading to gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). This is one of the most common lack of sleep side effects, directly related to digestion and gut health. 

2. Whatever you consume throughout the day needs to be digested and moved to the small intestine so that the waste material can be excreted the next day. However, if the digestion is not proper, your bowel movements will also be irregular, causing many more problems.

3. Lack of sleep can cause a hormonal imbalance, which also releases the stress hormone called Cortisol. This can cause a leaky gut, where food and toxins pass in the intestine and then into the bloodstream. This can cause issues like bloating, stomach pains, and more. This is one of the most serious lack of sleep side effects that can affect your body adversely. 

4. If the body is not getting desired sleep, many nutrients don’t get absorbed into the body. 

5. Sometimes when you are sleep deprived, you might want to eat more. That is due to the loss of control of your hormones. However, this condition can cause a drastic weight gain, which can also result in obesity. 

Other Lack of Sleep Side Effects You cannot Overlook

Besides digestive issues, being sleep deprived can have several other negative impacts on your body, affecting your overall mental and physical well-being. Here are some of the other lack of sleep side effects you must be aware of:

1. Suffering from lack of sleep always results in mental problems, which may affect humans emotionally. 

2. Lack of sleep can result in memory issues, difficulty in thinking, and a reduction in patience that may affect performance at work. 

3. Many times, people who sleep less complain of not being able to concentrate on something important. 

4. The side effects also include being at risk of heart diseases and diabetes.

5. Since there are a lot of digestive issues, there can be a chance of unusual weight gain too.

6. When you haven’t slept well, you have an irritated mood that may impact your social life or relationships

Benefits of Proper Sleep

Sleeping well is one of the many ways in which a person can remain healthy for a long time. Exercise and eating well are surely critical for well-being but these will only impact the body positively when you get a good night’s sleep. Now that we know sleep and digestion have a direct connection, let us look at what benefits does sleep provide our body with: 

1. Getting proper sleep can keep your body at a healthy weight.

2. Low levels of stress at work or in your personal life. 

3. Good sleep releases enough serotonin, the happy hormone.

4. Your organs function properly; your digestion system will work just fine. 

5. Your appearance is naturally glowing. Getting good sleep always makes your skin glow. 

Knowing the various benefits and lack of sleep side effects, you might even wonder how to ensure proper sleep.

How can One Ensure Proper Sleep?

Can lack of sleep cause digestive issues is something a lot of people are curious about. Due to the work from home culture, a lot of us have a crazy sleep and work schedule. But there are several ways to get good sleep.

1. One of the best and impactful ways is to follow an exercise routine. Working out causes sweating and tiredness, which naturally makes you fall asleep after a few hours. Working out after work can be very helpful, as it will put your organs at an activity and once your muscles are relaxed, you will feel sleepy. 

2. To keep yourself from facing the dangerous lack of sleep side effects, you must indulge in practising breathing exercises. Ten minutes of deep inhaling and exhaling can relax your brain of all its stress and help you build focus. 

3. One of the majorly unhighlighted reasons behind lack of sleep is too much screen time. Avoiding screen time, especially before bedtime can help you sleep better and on time. 


A lot of people often question, “can sleep deprivation cause digestive problems?”. However, sleeping improperly will not only affect the gut but the overall health. Therefore, one must ensure a proper sleeping schedule to live a healthy and happy life.

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