Mental Health 4 MIN READ 1459 VIEWS June 27, 2021

Managing Stress in COVID (COVID-19) Outbreak

Managing Stress During the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak

Stress in COVID can rapidly mount up and adversely affect you — both physically and mentally — whether it’s coping with at-risk family members or patients, a roller-coaster economy, juggling jobs, keeping kids engaged, or merely adjusting to a new, unfamiliar place.

The whole world has plunged into complete chaos and uncertainty with the Coronavirus outbreak. The fear of a looming disease, economic hardships, and restrictions on socializing has left us feeling anxious and stressed. These are times when one needs to focus immensely on mental health and stay calm because it has a direct effect on our immunity. 

So, as an added measure to prevent vulnerability to the COVID-19 virus, choosing the best anxiety remedy as early as possible is the need of the hour and a must for managing stress in COVID. 

Different Ways to Alleviate Stress in COVID

Here are some simple ways to manage stress during the coronavirus outbreak: 

  1. Stay Connected With Your Loved Ones 

One of the hardest things that we have had to do during the pandemic is to cut down on socializing and meeting our loved ones. However, the good news is that we have the advantage of technology to help us stay connected with the people who matter. The best anxiety remedy is talking about it and discussing it with people that you trust. You will find it quite reassuring as well to know that you are not alone. These are difficult times for everyone and the most important thing you need is emotional support. So, plan video calls or phone calls regularly and open up conversations about. 

  1. Look for Positive Diversions 

With work from home becoming the new norm, it feels like you are working all the time. The best way to cope with this stress in COVID is to find activities that stimulate you mentally and help with managing stress from work. Pick online classes to learn new skills, make time to explore hobbies like cooking and baking or just finish that book that you have left on the shelf for so long. Of course, you can take the time to watch some of your favorite shows. But remember that the best remedy for managing stress effectively is to keep your mind engaged. So find distractions that help you learn something new or challenge you in some way. 

  1. Eat Healthy 

Include stress-reducing foods in your diet. There are certain nutrients that can calm your nerves while giving you several other health benefits. Here are some foods to eat in order to reduce stress in COVID: 

  • Vitamin C is known for reducing stress and boosting immunity. It helps reduce the levels of cortisol which is a stress hormone. To increase your Vitamin C intake, you can choose a supplement like Himalayan Organics Vitamin C with Calcium, Amla, and Zinc
  • Complex carbs like fruits, whole grains, and vegetables improve the production of serotonin and also stabilize your blood pressure. 
  • Omega-3 Fatty acids from nuts, seeds, and fish reduce the risk of heart diseases and also reduce the levels of stress hormones in the body. 
  • Magnesium-rich foods like salmon and green leafy vegetables are the best stress-reducing foods as they improve sleep quality and also stabilize your mood. 
  1. Keep Your Body Moving 

Working out is a great anxiety remedy. Being confined to your home most of the time does take a toll on you physically and mentally. You are not able to get as much movement as you would when you are walking around the office, going out to get groceries, and carrying out other regular tasks. Choose home exercises and workout plans that you enjoy. For instance, a good High-Intensity Interval program can get you sweating in no time. If you are someone who is looking to shed the flab, go for weight loss exercises at home. If you love to dance and music, Zumba and other dance-based workout programs are ideal for you. 

Workout boosts the production of endorphins, also known as happy hormones. This makes you feel refreshed and relaxed almost instantly. 

  1. Meditate 

Meditation is an age-old, highly recommended stress and anxiety medicine. Take a few minutes in a day to just relax, close your eyes and breathe. Meditation does not have to be as complex as most people make it out to be. The idea is to focus on your thoughts and emotions and become aware of them. Most people think that they must control them instead. This makes meditation difficult to carry out consistently. All you need to do initially is plant your focus on one thing like your breath or a candle. This allows you to keep unwanted, stressful thoughts at bay and feel more relaxed. 

  1. Seek Professional Assistance 

If the stress that you are experiencing is manifesting itself in ways that are physically or emotionally distressing, make sure you seek professional assistance. If you feel physical symptoms like palpitations, sweating, loss of sleep, etc, it is a sign that you must get added support. You may also feel overwhelmed at slight inconveniences or may find yourself feeling extremely emotional. It helps to consult with an expert before it escalates into a serious illness. You will get the right tools to curb stress at an early stage effectively.


Following these techniques to control stress in COVID and restoring a sense of normalcy can help you to deal with the constantly changing environment and keep people around you calm and focused. If you’re having trouble dealing with your anxiety or depression on your own, reach out to a medical professional for help.

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