Skin is the largest organ of your body, which means that it is directly connected with your overall health and wellbeing. As our skin is designed to be the protective layer of our body, it undergoes a lot of damage on a daily basis owing to several factors such as prolonged exposure to the sun, ageing, or lack of essential nutrients. If your skin has lost its glow or is looking tired and worn out, try these awesome home remedies for glowing skin and enjoy the difference!
Top 5 Home Remedies For Glowing Skin: Natural Solutions for Radiant Complexion
Let us take a look at the top ten home remedies for glowing skin that you can follow to make sure that your skin stays smooth and healthy.
1. Applying Coconut Oil
One of the main reasons why our skin can look dry and dull is the lack of moisture. Applying coconut oil has been a part of age-old home remedies for glowing skin as it replenishes the natural moisture of the skin. You can work the application of coconut oil into your daily routine by following three simple steps:
- Apply some coconut oil to your neck and face.
- Gently massage the oil into your skin pores by using your fingertips in circular motions.
- Let the oil sit overnight. Gently wash your face with some cleanser and cold water in the morning for an instant glow.
Another thing that makes coconut oil one of the best home remedies for glowing skin is the fact that it can be used as an exfoliating scrub.
Simply combine equal parts coconut oil and unrefined brown sugar in a bowl, gently mix, and use as a face and body scrub twice a week. This scrub is one of the easiest home remedies for glowing skin that you can follow and is completely safe for you.
2. Using Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is the most commonly used ingredient in home remedies for glowing skin. It has soothing properties that can fix sunburnt skin or even irritation. It also replenishes the natural hydration of the skin and tightens the pores. You can incorporate aloe vera into your daily routine by following this simple face pack for glowing skin at home.
- Combine 1tsp aloe vera gel with 1 tsp honey and 1 tsp milk.
- Add in a pinch of turmeric powder to the mixture
- Stir well until you get a smooth paste.
- Apply the paste all over your face and neck.
- Let it stay for about 20 minutes.
- Wash off with warm water and pat dry.
3. Use Olive Oil for your Skin
One of the most simple remedies for glowing skin to incorporate into your daily routine is the usage of olive oil. Make sure to take a few drops of olive oil and apply it over your neck and face. Massage it into your skin using circular motions for about three minutes. Next, gently soak a towel in some warm water, squeeze off the excess, and let the towel rest on your face for about two minutes. Gently wipe the oil off using dabbing motions. Use a separate, clean towel to dry off any excess moisture from your face.
4. Baking Soda
A simple addition on the list of home remedies for face glow includes baking soda. This product is known for its exfoliating properties that remove dead cells and balance the natural pH levels of the skin. It is also a rich source of antibacterial properties that help in preventing infections.
Combine the following ingredients for one of the easiest remedies for glowing skin
- 1 teaspoon baking soda
- 1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil
- 1/2 teaspoon honey
Dampen your face with some cold water. Combine all the ingredients thoroughly and apply them in the form of a thin layer across your face. Leave this mixture on your face for about twenty minutes. You can apply this on your face about twice a week.
5. Drinking Carrot Juice
Drinking carrot juice is one of the best home remedies for face glow. Carrots are a rich source of natural antioxidants that are useful in getting rid of free radicals. They are also rich in a pigment known as beta carotene and vitamin A. These nutrients help in enhancing your skin texture while also improving eyesight.
Simply chop up some carrots and ginger and blend them in a juicer for a quick and easy juice for glowing skin.
Additional Tips and Remedies For Glowing Skin
- Include probiotics in your daily diet as they improve digestion. A healthy gut will eventually lead to healthy skin. You can also add curd to your homemade face pack for glowing skin, for improved skin hydration and elasticity.
- Create a daily skincare regime and follow it consistently every night before bedtime. It must include proper cleansing, scrubbing, moisturising, and toning to remove the harmful effects of makeup, everyday stress, pollution and chemicals. Use as many natural products for skincare as is possible.
- The best time to use home remedies for face glow is after a bath or after steaming your face when your pores are open and ready to absorb the benefits.
- If you frequently step out in the sun, wear sunscreen. It helps protect your skin from the harmful UV rays of the sun that rob your glow.
It is important that we start taking care of our skin right from an early age with the best home remedy for glowing skin. Engaging in timely skin care can help preserve your skin’s texture, smoothness and glow.