Rum has a rich history and comes in many types to transform your simple gathering into a festive occasion. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, rum benefits our health as it contains nutrients like calories, sodium, vitamins and minerals. When it comes to the consumption of alcohol, it is often considered bad for health. However, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), moderate drinking is not the cause of health problems. It says that adults of legal drinking age can choose to drink in moderation. It defines moderate drinking as two standard drinks or less a day for males and one drink a day or less for females. And, as per the WHO statement, there is no safe level of alcohol consumption for health.
This article will help you get familiar with the benefits of rum, and since we all know that over consumption or even regular intake of this beverage can damage our health to a great extent, there are some of the major side effects listed too.
Benefits of Rum on Health
Rum is essentially a spirit made from sugar cane juice or fermented molasses. The different types of rum are dark, gold, spiced, aged, white and light and are often used in cocktails and mixed drinks. The rich texture, sweet aroma and unique flavour make it stand out, but before consuming it, we must consider: is rum good for health? Due to its nutritional value, rum is considered good for health when consumed within a certain limit especially during winters. But is there any defined limit? However, there are some potential benefits that people often believe. Let’s check out what are these potential rum benefits for health:
Helps Fight Common Cold
Yes, rum can be the saviour during winters when cold, cough, sore throat, and watery nose are rife. Since rum holds antibacterial properties, it can help soothe from the discomfort and make you relax from cold.
Provides Warmth During Winters
Similar to other alcoholic drinks, rum benefits by keeping your body warm. It raises the body temperature when it is freezing outside on cold winter nights. People often drink rum when they can’t tolerate extreme cold or those who are living in minus temperatures.
Prevents Diabetes
The moderate consumption of rum benefits in lowering the cholesterol level and hence manages diabetes. According to a study, rum maintains low blood sugar levels in the body, reducing the risk of diabetes.
May Reduce Mental Illness
Many people wonder is rum good for health, especially mental health. As per a study, a person consuming moderate rum is less likely to develop any mental illness like dementia or Alzheimer’s in future. They do not get easily anxious or depressed.
Prevents the Risk of Thyroid Cancer
According to a study, rum benefits you by preventing any thyroid cancer. Moderate drinkers who consume moderate amounts of alcohol are at low risk for these types of cancer.
Acne Free Skin
Due to its antibacterial properties, rum benefits for skin are highly popular. If you have acne-prone skin, you can try rum. It has soothing ingredients that may calm your acne and clear away the bacteria. Further, mix rum with rose water in a particular portion, apply to the affected area, and rinse it after 5 minutes.
Side Effects Of Rum
According to the United Kingdom’s National Health Service, limiting alcohol consumption can lower the risk of harming health, but still, there is no safe level of drinking. So, the question of “Is rum good for health?” still remains. To understand it better, we must know the significant side effects of rum:
Causes Liver Diseases
Due to excessive consumption of rum, liver problems like fatty liver and cirrhosis develop. Those who drink more than half an ounce of alcohol per day are more likely to get fatty liver. If the drinking continues, it may lead to severe conditions like cirrhosis.
Impact on the Brain and Heart
One of the common side effects of rum is the adverse effect on the brain and heart. Excessive drinking leads to a blackout or increases the risk of dementia, causing brain shrinkage. Coronary heart disease, strokes, and heart attacks are also some side effects of excessive drinking.
Obesity is a serious health condition that may develop due to uncontrolled drinking of rum that contains high sugar and calories. According to a study on alcohol consumption and weight, the link between weight gain or loss and higher consumption of alcohol defines the key side effect related to obesity.
Key Takeaway
Now that you know that rum has numerous benefits, enjoy this stress reliever that calms your nerves and comes with various added benefits. A shot contains roughly 97 calories in rum. It has relatively low calories as compared to other alcoholic drinks. However, rum has pretty high sugar and calories to cause health issues, so you need not drink too much of it. While it has the potential to be your favourite go-to drink, be aware of rum benefits and side effects. It’s up to you whether you want it for taste or for better health!