Chronic Conditions 4 MIN READ 177 VIEWS September 25, 2024

What is Schizophrenia? Learn Its Symptoms, Causes & Treatments

Written By HealthKart
Medically Reviewed By Dr. Aarti Nehra


A severe mental disorder that harms thinking, reasoning ability and induces behavioural issues is termed schizophrenia. Hallucinations, delusions, and a gradual decrease in touch with reality come as part of the medical condition. It has no exact source of causes as to how a person succumbs to such a state, but several factors (genetic, environmental, neurochemical, etc.) may contribute to its development. Let’s read through the blog to get an in-depth understanding of what is schizophrenia and how it affects an average person’s life.

Schizophrenia Symptoms 

According to psychologists, the symptoms of this condition are related to behavioural issues. Moreover, it is essential to read about its symptoms to get a better understanding. Its symptoms may include:

Losing Touch With Reality 

It is when individuals hold beliefs that are not based on reality or truth. Take, for instance, individuals with schizophrenia symptoms who may perceive themselves as being threatened or tormented, even in the absence of any actual harm or harassment. Some individuals may mistakenly perceive themselves as the focus of specific actions or remarks, even when this is not the case. Some individuals may have a distorted perception of their fame or abilities, which may not align with reality.


Most of the time, hallucinations entail observing or hearing things other people do not notice. For individuals who suffer from this condition, these things appear to be genuine. It is possible to experience hallucinations through any of the senses; nevertheless, hearing voices is the most prevalent type. Hallucinations have no known causes, and as such, schizophrenia treatment for hallucinations may involve combination of medication and therapy.

Disorientation (Speech and Thought Process)

One of the high-alert signs is disorganised speech, which also leads to cluttered thinking. This symptom of schizophrenia causes difficulties for individuals to interact with other people. It hinders their ability to process and reply. Responses from individuals with schizophrenia symptoms may not always align with the specific questions posed to them. Your questions may not receive thorough answers.

Behavioural Issues

These behaviours can manifest in various ways, ranging from playful immaturity to unexplained restlessness. Individuals diagnosed with this condition may tend to deviate or struggle to follow instructions. Their movements may deviate from the norm or be inappropriate for the social context.

Neglecting the Basic Hygiene

Individuals diagnosed with issue may experience difficulties in performing daily tasks and functioning at the same level as they did before the onset of their illness. For instance, individuals might neglect personal hygiene, avoid eye contact, or lack emotional expression. In addition, individuals may experience a decline in their routine lifestyle and activities.

Schizophrenia Causes

To understand what is schizophrenia in detail, it is crucial to know the schizophrenia causes. Medical experts believe that a mix of genetics, brain chemistry, and environment can play a part. Scientists have discovered various factors that seem to increase the likelihood of a person developing the condition. They include:


also known as heredity. It is worth noting that schizophrenia causes can be hereditary, increasing the chances of it being transmitted from one generation to the next.

Understanding brain chemistry and circuits

Individuals diagnosed with this condition, may experience difficulties in regulating brain chemicals known as neurotransmitters. These neurotransmitters are crucial in controlling specific pathways or “circuits” of nerve cells, which can impact thinking and behaviour.

Irregularity in the brain

Studies have discovered atypical brain structure in individuals with schizophrenia symptoms. However, this does not necessarily hold true for every individual with this medical condition. It can also appear in the individuals who do not have the condition.

Types of Schizophrenia

Psychiatrists once referred to different types of schizophrenia, like paranoid and catatonic. However, the types weren’t very useful in diagnosing or treating the root cause of what is schizophrenia. Recent studies have given specific names to various types of schizophrenia that are mentioned below: 

  • Schizotypal personality Disorder
  • Delusion Disorder 
  • Brief psychotic Disorder
  • Schizophreniform Disorder
  • Schizoaffective Disorder

Schizophrenia Treatment

Schizophrenia treatment is a mixture of medications, therapeutic techniques, and self-assistance methods. These are as follows:

Medications are used to treat certain mental health conditions

These medications interfere with the brain’s utilisation of specific chemicals for cell-to-cell communication.

Additional medications

Your healthcare provider may also recommend additional medications to address symptoms that occur in conjunction with or as a result of your schizophrenia symptoms. Medications may be prescribed to alleviate the side effects of schizophrenia treatment.

Therapeutic counselling

Therapeutic techniques such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) can assist you in dealing with and controlling your situation. Long-term treatment can also provide a medical response to schizophrenia causes.

Electroconvulsive Therapy

If other therapies fail, your doctor may suggest ECT. This schizophrenia treatment stimulates brain regions using a mild electrical current under general anaesthesia . 


People might get scared about what is schizophrenia. It should be known that brain diseases or the diseases that cause orientation issues are resolved by making the ill or the sick person happy, staying with them, and caring for them like a newborn baby. Our brain functions endlessly; under the impact of schizophrenia, it might get stuck or lose connectivity with the whole mechanism. This kind of system failure needs talk therapy, belongingness, and medical intervention help. 

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