Mental Health 5 MIN READ 1581 VIEWS January 4, 2023

Symptoms and Causes of Panic Attack

Written By HealthKart
Medically Reviewed By Dr. Aarti Nehra

Panic Attack

A panic attack is an abrupt feeling of fear and severe physical reactions in the body to unthreatening situations. It occurs when you obsessively think about hypothetical or historical situations. 

A panic attack can be very frightening. Although panic attacks themselves are not harmful, they can be incredibly frightening and negatively affect your happiness.

In this blog, we will discuss panic attack symptoms in adults.

Symptoms of Panic Attack

The majority of the time, panic episodes start quickly and without warning. They can happen to you at any time, whether you’re driving, at the mall, fast asleep, or in the middle of a business meeting.

These are the signs of a panic attack:

  • A feeling of impending catastrophe or peril
  • Fear of losing control or passing away
  • Rapid, hammering heartbeat
  • Sweating
  • Trembling or shaking
  • Breathing difficulty or throat constriction
  • Chills
  • Flashes of past
  • Nausea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Pain in the chest
  • Headache
  • Feeling faint, lightheaded, or woozy
  • Having a numb or tingling feeling
  • The sensation of detachment or disassociation

These are the panic attack symptoms. The intense fear of having another panic attack is among the worst aspects of having one. 

You might avoid circumstances where you might experience panic attacks because you are so afraid of having them. 

Causes of Panic Attack

Some common Panic attacks causes include,

1. Stress

The leading cause of panic attacks is stress. In reality, a variety of factors, including work, school, family, general well-being, and others, can contribute to stress. Increased levels of stress cause a number of physiological changes in the body, including hormonal imbalances, changes in appetite, and changes in hormone levels. These changes can also have a negative impact on a person’s health and may trigger a panic  attack in a susceptible individual.

2. Past Experience with Trauma

For many people, past traumatic events constitute a major problem. People endure a variety of difficult circumstances in life. Some people endure extremely negative events that bother them. When one experiences difficult situations, a memory is created in the brain. 

Fear is brought on by this memory since you don’t want to encounter the same event again. Because you keep thinking about it over and over, this worry only grows.

3. Social Event

Some people find it challenging to attend social gatherings. makes some folks anxious. When a person with this phobia is surrounded by a lot of people, it could result in a panic disorder. Some people find social gatherings and meeting new people unsettling.

For many people, this is one of the major triggers. Parties with excessive noise can also trigger panic attacks. In these scenarios, it is beneficial to acquire basic coping mechanisms since one can assist another person in handling particular circumstances. 

4. Financial Pressure

The financial situation is making many younger generations more anxious. Numerous people experience stress due to their unemployment. Due to the national lockdown, many people have experienced financial hardship. 

As the population grows and the employment rate declines, people are under more stress than ever to survive. Anxiety levels are being raised by the weight of bills, debt, and savings. Many people are experiencing severe panic attacks because of this.

5. Diet

Since we obtain our nutrition from what we eat, it is important to ensure that we follow a healthy diet that provides a sufficient amount of nutrients. Therefore, the ones who don’t follow a healthy diet, their body may undergo some serious mental and physical health issues. It is important to regulate your eating habits and keep a balance between carbohydrates, protein, and fats; failing which may lead you to deal with mental health issues like panic attacks.

6. Caffeine

It’s quite common to have a dose of caffeine to start your day. However, when you consume it on an empty stomach, your sympathetic nervous system gets triggered. This leads to increased heart rate, heightens alertness, stomach irritation, and in some people, it may even lead to panic attacks.

Moreover, consuming caffeine is not good for those who deal with medical conditions like heart palpitations, stress, acid reflux, etc. These conditions may get aggravated with caffeine consumption. The best solution here would be to switch to non-caffeinated beverages.

7. Unhealthy Relationships

For some people, frequent fights and arguments in relationships can lead to panic attacks. Moreover, factors like abandonment fear, trust issues, and attempting to control other people’s behaviour can lead to toxicity in your connection with others. This becomes a reason behind one’s bad mental health and thus may lead to panic attacks. If both the parties take care of these factors, sourness in their relationship can be eliminated. Therapy can be a great solution here as well. 

8. Health Concerns

Panic attack may even occur if you are dealing with medical issues yourself or someone you love or care about is battling a health issue. This is quite common as such situations induce worry and fear in one’s heart. In such cases, it is important to listen to the medical expert and abide by it while having a positive attitude.    

Panic Attack & Anxiety Attack

There is a difference between an anxiety attack and a panic attack, mainly because anxiety attacks are a reaction to a perceived threat. Whereas panic attacks can happen often. Anxiety attack symptoms are the same as a panic attack.


Despite the fact that it is impossible to predict with certainty what will cause someone to develop an anxiety disorder, there are things you can do to lessen the severity of symptoms if you already experience anxiety:

  • Remain Active– Take part in activities that you find fun and are good for your self-health. Social connection and pleasant company are enjoyable since they can relieve stress.
  • Avoid using Alcohol or Drugs–  Alcohol and drug use have the potential to either create or exacerbate anxiety. Stopping one of these substances if you are addicted to it can make you anxious. Find medical help or a support group if you are unable to stop on your own.

When to Visit the Doctor

Seek Medical Attention as soon as you begin to experience the signs of a panic attack. Even though they are extremely uncomfortable, panic attacks can be harmful. 

However, panic attacks can be challenging to control on your own, and if left untreated, the symptoms could worsen.

If you’re unsure of what’s causing your symptoms, visit your doctor for an evaluation because panic attack symptoms can also match those of other serious health issues, such as heart attack.


Having a panic attack can be very uncomfortable. Despite the fact that they are not physically damaging, they can negatively impact your mental health and prevent you from engaging in the activities you enjoy.

That’s why consult your doctor right away if you’re having frequent panic attacks to avoid any risks.

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