Weight Management 4 MIN READ 16014 VIEWS November 3, 2016

The Miraculous GM Diet- Lose Weight Naturally

When we think of losing weight, we can think of endless ways but which one is really effective and most natural is what all of us want. GM diet is a time tested method for safe weight loss. Let’s see how!

We all give in to the battle between yummy food and a slimmer waistline. No Points for guessing yummy food wins most of the time.
Next, comes the insurmountable guilt and then the plans to shed all those extra kgs which we gained all this while.
From morning walks to yoga with the neighborhood aunty, from gym enrollment to detox diet. We have it all charted out, but sadly nothing helps. One because we don’t follow it, two because what we follow doesn’t yield results. It’s a bad world! Why do we indulge in festivities and then devour on those yummy dishes?

Julia Roberts famously said that she has been on a diet for more than a decade.
But that’s a movie, right?
Can there be a humanly possible quick way to lose weight without losing one’s sanity?

Well, here we will try to help you accomplish that with the very popular GM diet.
The good news is that with some physical workout along with the notable GM diet you can lose 3-5 kgs or maybe more, within a week!
Okay, enough of the prologue! Let’s start our day-wise GM diet plan.

So you are all charged up and motivated to kick off the extra pounds but let’s accept this is going to be the day to kill your cravings. Brace yourself to eat only fruits today. All juicy fruits like watermelon, limes, oranges, apples, pomegranates, strawberries and melons. Remember not to include high-sugar content fruits like litchis, bananas,mangoes. Eat fruits until you feel full! Stock up your body on all essential antioxidants and multivitamins today.

Remember how we used to dress up as different vegetables on Halloween/other times in school.
This day is like going back to basics. Find your flavor in veggies today. Eat boiled, par boiled, baked or raw vegetables only today, to your heart’s content. You could make a fat-free vegetable soup too!
Making it through Day 1 should have boosted your spirits already. After all, you are one step closer to your target!

Cheers! You have made it to Day 3. This is a big deal. Give yourself a pat on the back. You would have surely lost some grams by now(to say the least) .
Today is a combo day. You can eat both vegetables and fruits today. Avoid potatoes and bananas.
Our advice, try our healthy salad recipes here.

Voila! Who knew you could get this far! Research says that if a person has completed first 3 days of this diet plan, he is most likely to sail till the end. And you, my friend, are one such person. Think about how you will very soon fit into all those jeans you had discarded due to your bulging waistline.
Coming back to food, though!

Today, you can have the forbidden fruit- Bananas and up to 4 glasses of low fat milk. This diet will increase you low potassium and sodium levels.

What a feat! Just 2 days away from your target. By now, various gastronomical delights won’t be topping your mind. Hopefully, the love for food must have been replaced with love for a fitter and leaner self.

Best thing about this day is that you can gorge on proteins in its various forms. Eat Paneer, Soya Products, Curd, Soy Milk and not more than 6 tomatoes. Non-vegetarians may include 60-70 gms of boiled or roasted chicken. Egg whites is also an option for you.

You may also include non-fat vegetable soup with paneer chunks in it.

By now, you would be gleaming with pride and quite literally so. With such a fabulously healthy diet for past few day, the toxins are rapidly finding their way out of your system. Leaving you with a radiating complexion, lighter body and not to mention the overall happiness.

Today is slightly different from Day 5. Include sprouts and all the other options as in the previous day with the exception of tomatoes.

They say all good things must come to an end but this is just the beginning. You must be feeling much lighter by now. So, pull off this final day with much glee and conviction as you are less than 24-hrs away from your goal.
Your starch-deprived body will get some healthy food today like a whole wheat roti, some brown rice. You may also have a cup of fresh fruit juice (no sugar obviously). Continue to have vegetable, sprouts, fruits.

So this is it! Not so difficult after all. If you want to repeat the GM diet, keep a gap of minimum 2-3 days between 2 sessions.
Remember to increase your water intake throughout the diet plan. You may have 1-2 cups of Green Tea everyday.

Due to the innumerable side-effects of caffeine and alcohol, avoid them.
Some basic exercise as per your stamina is advised.
For long term results, maintain a healthy lifestyle always. May the force be with you!

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