Yoga- It is one of the oldest words used for the welfare of the human race in terms of physical and mental growth. It is no wonder if Yoga is associated with sexual intercourse which is highly used in this modern world. Nowadays, people are inclining towards yoga for long-lasting in bed. Yoga offers enormous benefits such as stress relief, loss of weight, improving digestion, and even reprogramming your DNA. These benefits are directly dependent upon your sexual life in one way or another.
It has been seen over a couple of years that yoga is beneficial for both in and out of the bedroom which thus means reducing stress and being free from all in and out of disturbance. As per research, it has been found that there are multiple poses that improve blood circulation and strengthen muscles in the pelvic area of the body. Yoga improves overall sexual function in the body which ultimately relates to a living comfortable and stress-free life.
Yoga postures are the one that needs to be kept in mind as per your requirement for related problems in the body. There are various yoga postures such as yoga for erectile dysfunction, yoga for premature ejaculation, yoga to increase sperm count, yoga for long-lasting in bed and many more.
Now, let’s discuss the top 6 yoga poses for long-lasting in bed.
Types of Yoga Poses for Long-Lasting in Bed:
A regular yoga practice energizes your present moment that is extremely important to lead a perfect and amazing sex life. Many people are of the mind that yoga is not sufficient to lead a comfortable and exciting life. But that’s not true, Yoga is one of the successful methods to control your mind, and when talking about sex and yoga together, it is one of the deadly combinations in the world to live an exciting life.
Below given are some of the 6 top yoga poses that are necessary for the well-being of the sexual life:
1. Bridge Pose
It is one of the most important yoga for long-lasting in bed that strengthen the pelvic floor and helps in reducing pain during sex and activate the body as well as creative mind. As per experts, this pose opens up the chest and upper back, increasing circulation and respiration.
To get prepared for this pose, you need to lie on your back and rest your arms at your sides. Keeping your palms facing up, you need to bend your knees and plant your feet hip-width apart. Now tighten your abs and engage the core as you prepare to lift your hips.
Using this posture, you can squeeze your glutes together which will ultimately help to improve ejaculation and blood flow in the genital region. This yoga posture is beneficial for both men and women for leading a sexually engaged life.
2. Cobra Pose
This important yoga posture helps women to have a healthy uterus and ovaries. It is one of the best spine and core strengthening postures in yoga. This posture offers strong core and more control over the pelvis to offer better performance during sexual intercourse.
To perform this pose, you need to lie to your stomach and place your hand under your shoulders with elbows pointing straight back. Now spread your fingers wide and start relaxing your palms under your shoulders. It’s time to squeeze your big toes, ankles, knees and inner thighs towards each other. Doing this pose on a regular basis for 30-120 seconds will boost the immune system and is one of the most important yoga for a healthy uterus and ovaries.
3. Paschimottanasana
This yoga posture is also called seated forward bend and is the best yoga for erectile dysfunction. Under this yoga posture, you will be able to improve endurance by strengthening your perineal muscles and will beat erectile dysfunction. This yoga for long-lasting in bed also helps in delaying ejaculation by contracting the same muscle just before the orgasm.
To perform this yoga, you need to sit on your yoga mat with your legs out in front of you. Now rock your whole body slightly to the left and use your hand to pull the right sit bone away. You need to repeat the same activity on the other side. Take a deep breath, and keep your upper body long. Now lean forward and try to lengthen your tailbone as you reach the floor. Grab your feet with your hands, if you can. Hold this pose for one to three minutes and slowly relax and release your body.
4. Kapalabhati
This yoga for long-lasting in bed is a tantric breathing technique that is beneficial for prolonged sexual intercourse. It is the best yoga for the reproductive organs of males. It also offers getting rid of harmful toxins from your body.
This yoga is performed through the mouth for forced exhalation through the nose. This rapid puffing out of the air through the mouth is considered to change the chemistry of blood and prolong ejaculation. This yoga posture is mainly beneficial for males as this improves the sexual functions as the man approaches orgasm.
5. Baddha Konasana
This yoga posture is also called Bound Angle Pose or Cobbler’s Pose which is highly recommended for females. Baddha Konasana is the best yoga for reproductive organs for females which strengthens your core and improves your posture. This is also a go-to-pose that helps in opening the hips and stretches the inner thigh muscles.
To perform this yoga pose, you need to bend your knees and bring your feet close to each other. Now draw your feet close to your body comfortably. Start strongly pressing the edges of your feet together. Now sit up tall with your spine stretched vertically keeping your shoulders blade back and your shoulders should move away from your ears. Keep this posture along with you for 2-3 minutes. This yoga for long-lasting in bed will definitely help you in gaining the exact equilibrium for long-lasting in bed to satisfy women with ultimate pleasure.
6. Dhanur Asana
As per yoga experts, this yoga posture is very beneficial for males for increasing sperm counts. This pose is also great for your back, abdominal muscles, arms and thigh muscles. Doing this yoga improves blood circulation and brings overall improvement in sperm count. Males should do this yoga to increase sperm count and to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
To perform this yoga, you need to lie down on your belly and bend your knees behind your back. Hold the ankles with both your hands and then slowly lift your chest and hips up leaving your belly on the floor. Now tilt your neck backwards and hold as per your calibre. It is suggested that males should perform this yoga 2 to 5 times every day.
Bottom Line
Yoga is immensely beneficial for improvement in sexual health as well as mental health. It stimulates the health of humans in the form of sperm count, premature ejaculation, female reproductive organs, male reproductive organs, and sperm mobility. It is suggested that new ones should consult with yoga practitioners to go with the flow and gain a healthy lifestyle. Doing yoga relaxes your body and offers stress-free life to combat problems occurring in day-to-day life.
Q1. What is the fastest way to increase sperm count?
One should follow his lifestyle in a unique manner by proper sleeping, quitting smoking, getting enough vitamin D, performing yoga poses, and taking ashwagandha in adequate quantity. Yoga for long-lasting in bed helps one to be motivated and excited to make relationships.
Q2. Does yoga make you last longer in bed?
Yes, it is 100% correct. Performing yoga on a daily basis offers stress-free life which thus helps in combating infertility caused by psychological stress. One should definitely do yoga for long-lasting in bed.
Q3. Which yoga helps in erectile dysfunction?
Paschimottanasana Yoga pose helps in improving endurance as it strengthens the peroneal muscles. These muscles offer help in erectile rigidity and are the most effective for beating erectile dysfunction.
Q4. Is yoga good for physical and mental health?
Yes. Doing yoga is beneficial for both physical and mental health for lifetime wellness.
Q5. Are there any side effects of Yoga?
No. There are no such incidences supporting any side effects of yoga. It might happen that you may get hurt or suffer discomfort if you perform yoga in an incorrect manner.