Vitamins for Hair 4 MIN READ 2186 VIEWS December 31, 2024

Which Vitamin Deficiency Causes Hair Loss?

Written By HealthKart
Medically Reviewed By Dr. Aarti Nehra

vitamins for hair loss

Whether men or women, everyone surely experiences hair loss once. This might leave you scratching your head to find the exact cause. While there may be many factors, one that can be concerning is nutrients, especially vitamin deficiency. You must be stressing over which vitamin deficiency causes hair loss. Since the answer is hidden within your diet, this blog provides a detailed walkthrough, deeper insight into the role of individual vitamins in hair health, and practical steps to prevent hair loss. 

List of Vitamins Associated with Your Hair Health

Do you want to understand which vitamin deficiency causes hair fall? For this, you should have an understanding about the type of vitamin your body needs. Here is a list that you can consider to boost your hair health: 

Vitamin A

Hair loss due to vitamin A deficiency can be the primary reason for hair loss. The twist is that both deficiency and excess are harmful to your hair. The deficiency of vitamins can affect oil production in your scalp. It leads to dryness and breakage. 

You may be at risk if: 

  • You are on a certain type of diet
  • Have malabsorption disorders
  • You don’t consume enough vegetables.

You can fulfil its deficiency by:

  • Considering edibles like carrots, sweet potatoes, and dark leafy greens. 
  • Being mindful of vitamin A supplements’ intake.

Vitamin B7

Seeing your strands hugging your pillows, bed, and couch can leave you wondering what deficiency causes hair loss. Vitamin B7, or biotin, is hugely promoted to enhance hair quality. Its deficiency may be rare but weakens hair structure, causing more breakage and loss. 

You may be at risk if:  

  • You are on a restricted diet 
  • Have genetic disorders impacting metabolism
  • You consume more alcohol
  • You are pregnant

Do the following, if you are thinking what deficiency causes hair fall: 

  • Add nuts, seeds, sweet potatoes, and spinach in your diet.
  • Consume whole foods
  • Take biotin supplements if needed.

Vitamin B12

Hair fall vitamin deficiency is very common. Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause your hair to leave the scalp anyway. It happens because it is mainly responsible for forming blood cells. It also helps carry oxygen to different body parts, including hair follicles. If your hair lacks oxygen, it can cause premature shedding and impact new hair growth.  

You may be at risk if:

  • Vegan or vegetarian 
  • At old age 
  • Digestive problems 

You can combat this with the following: 

  • Including foods like eggs, meat, fish, and dairy to your diet.
  • Adding fortified foods or B12 supplements. 

Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency and hair loss are closely associated. This has major role for proper body functioning and improving hair health. It is also renowned with name as the sunshine vitamin. It makes a significant change in hair follicle cycle. When your body is low on this vitamin, it may cause your hair to fall out faster and delay new hair growth. 

You may be at risk if: 

  • You have limited sun exposure
  • Skin tone is darker
  • People living in cold climate
  • Ageing 

To combat this, do the following:

  • Go out in the sun for 10-30 minutes in a week few times
  • Consume vitamin D rich foods like egg yolks, fatty fish, and dairy products.
  • Sometimes, you may also consume vitamin D capsules, especially in winter, after consulting your healthcare provider. 

According to researchers, males and females have different hair-fall patterns. Generally, men observe hair thinning from the temples and then go bald. On the other hand, women lose hair all over their scalp. Also, baldness is not usual in most women. 

Prevent Hair Loss Due to Vitamin Deficiency with These Tips

Do you know which vitamin deficiency causes hair loss? If no, you can choose to follow these tips to promote your hair health: 

Balance Your Plate

Focus on a well-rounded diet that balances seasonal fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. These foods naturally boost vitamin levels, preventing unwanted hair loss. 

Avoid Stressing Over Small Things

Stress is the biggest enemy of hair health. Its chronic stage can deplete essential nutrients. You should do more stress-relieving activities that help calm your mind, such as meditation or yoga. 

Drink More Water

We know everyone has crammed this advice, but it does wonders. Proper hydration supports blood circulation to improve scalp health and allows the easy flow of nutrients to your hair follicles more effectively. 

Frequent Health Checkups 

Sometimes, you may miss which vitamin causes hair fall or other underlying factors. Frequent blood tests and health checkups can help you identify deficiencies early. You can work on them in a timely manner to retain the volume of your hair. 

Take Supplements (If Needed) 

If you think your diet isn’t enough to keep your hair healthy, you can consider dietary adjustments with certain supplements like Vitamin E tablets, biotin, or more after consulting with a doctor. 

Summing Up

They say, ‘Your hair is your crown that you never take off’, but it gets off due to many environmental factors and nutrient deficiency. If you suspect a hair fall that is more than usual, vitamin deficiency may be the underlying cause. These vitamins may be A, D, B7, and B12. Before it becomes significant, you can adjust your plating and lifestyle habits to improve your hair quality. You can also visit a doctor for a proper nutrition plan and routine to maintain healthy hair and improve overall well-being.


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