Mental Health 6 MIN READ 1681 VIEWS April 6, 2023

What Mental Health is and What It isn’t

Written By HealthKart
Medically Reviewed By Dr. Aarti Nehra

What Mental Health is

While mental health and mental illness are interchangeably used terms, the former is the overall wellness parameter. It regulates how you feel, think and behave. But when one’s thinking and behaviour become overwhelming, it can transcend into a mental disorder. People begin to experience significant disturbances in feeling, thinking, and behaviour, eventually disrupting a person’s ability to function. Let’s understand what mental health is.

Discussing What Mental Health Is

Unlike physical health which is marked by the absence of a condition, mental health is defined as the state of well-being. It is not just an absence of a mental illness but also includes emotional and psychological well-being that defines and decides your outlook towards life. Mental health can be both positive and negative. So, what is good mental health? It is a positive outlook towards life – it includes how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. 

What is Mental Illness?

Mental illness is defined as the presence of a mental health condition. It is marked by a set of symptoms which constitute a problem. It involves the recognition of symptoms, diagnoses, and subsequent treatment. A psychiatrist, psychologist, or any other mental health professional can help diagnose the condition. With appropriate support and treatment, recovery is possible.

What is the Importance of Mental Health?

Now that we understand the difference between mental health and mental illness, let’s understand what is the importance of mental health.

Good mental health is imperative for total well-being. Its importance cannot be overstated. Any issue with mental health reflects in behaviour and thinking that affects overall well-being. Listed below are the benefits of good mental health. 

1. Easier Coping with Life’s Stressors

While individuals with poor mental health often resort to substance abuse, social withdrawal, tantrums and fighting to resolve disputes and life issues, good mental health makes it easier to cope and overcome life’s challenges. 

2. Inculcates the Feeling of Positive Self-Image

Mental health correlates with how one feels about oneself. While poor mental health reduces self-esteem, good mental health helps you enjoy a positive self-image. High positivity increases self-confidence, focus, and attention span and helps in inculcating positive personal and social attitudes.

3. Builds Healthier Relationships

Good mental health puts you in a better position to understand another person’s perspective and opinion. This helps you build happier and healthier relationships. 

4. Increased Productivity

A poor mental health condition drains mental and physical energies. Individuals with poor mental health conditions often feel depressed and detached. This impacts productivity and influences outcomes. Feeling mentally strong, on the other hand, makes you feel more equipped to work and perform better.

5. Better Quality of Life

Good mental health is the sine quo norm for a happy and healthy life. With higher mental strength, coping with life’s stressors becomes easy. This improves contentment, positivity, and quality of life. 

6. Improved Physical Well-Being

Good mental health keeps the body in a positive spirit. It safeguards the body and protects vital organs from stress associated with poor mental health. It reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart risk, and stroke.

When Does Mental Health Morph into Mental Illness?

A poor mental health condition can morph into mental illness. This happens when we ignore signs of mental illness and allow the symptoms to multiply in number and intensity. Going on without seeking help can lead to the onset of mental illness. 

The most common types of mental disorders include depression, anxiety, and substance use disorders. The symptoms can be mild and last for a few weeks to severe and can be life-long, causing serious disability.

Causes of Mental Health Problem

In every stage of life, from childhood, adolescence through adulthood, the human brain encounters several situations, each having a bearing on its functioning. The main factors that contribute to mental health problems include:

  • Life experiences and situations encountered
  • Biological factors like genes and brain chemistry
  • Family history of mental health problems

Did You Know?

In 1946, mental health surfaced as its own field of study during the International Health Conference. Before this period, mental health was referred to as ‘mental hygiene’.

Early Signs of Mental Health Problem

Everyone feels low at certain points in life. Feeling detached and depressed is common. But good mental health provides resilience and the ability to bounce back. However, common indications, if ignored, can morph a mental problem into a mental illness. Here are a few early warning signs to watch out for:

  • Change in eating patterns. Eating too much or too little
  • Change in sleep pattern. Sleeping too much or too little
  • Withdrawing from people
  • Pulling away from usual activities
  • Constant feeling of fatigue
  • Feeling numb 
  • Experiencing unexplained pains
  • A feeling of helplessness and hopelessness
  • Substance abuse
  • Unusual feelings of confusion, forgetfulness, anger, worry, etc.
  • Unreasonable yelling or fighting with family and friends
  • Severe mood swings
  • Persistent thoughts and memories that are hard to get over
  • Hallucination
  • Thoughts of self-harm
  • Facing problem doing daily tasks

How to Maintain Good Mental Health?

As mental health is important for general well-being, it is crucial to take care of it. The signs of mental health issues can range from troubled sleeping patterns and inexplicable fatigue to feeling anxious and depressed. Here are the ways in which you can ensure a better mental health:  

1. Get Physically Active

Making regular exercising a part of your routine can help induce the release of feel-good hormones. Not only does it help you feel better but also allows you to get a better sleep. Your levels of concentration also get enhanced and you’re also able to manage stress better. 

2. Engage in Relaxing Activity

If you make relaxing activities like breathing exercises, yoga, meditation, or even listening to music a part of your daily routine, you will allow your brain and muscles to stay calm. These activities help lower the levels of stress and ensure that your body and mind are relaxed.

3. Pursue a Hobby

Doing joyous activities will help you manage stressful situations with a better attitude. This is why it is important to always take out time for a hobby that you enjoy.

4. Eat Healthy

If your diet is healthy, you’ll be able to ensure that you stay mentally well also. This is because you allow all your body systems to function well owing to the consumption of right nutrients.

5. Avoid Substance Abuse 

Doing drugs, smoking, and alcohol consumption may seem to help you sail through difficult situations. But they only provide temporary relief. Once the effects wear off, it makes you feel worse. This disturbs mental well-being.

6. Get Adequate Sleep

Not getting enough sleep can worsen mental health symptoms. And the presence of a mental health condition can disturb your sleep pattern further. Get at least seven hours of sleep every night.

Seek Help If Required 

Asking for help, in case required, is not a sign of weakness. Talking about your problem and seeking help helps you come out of the situation. It also builds strength and confidence to face any situation.

Facts and Myths Related to Brain Health

Mental health problems can affect everyone. Here are some of the common facts and myths associated with what is good mental health: 

Myth – Mental health problems do not affect me.

Fact – Mental health problems are one of the widely experienced issues. In India, every seventh person shows signs of some kind of mental health issue.

Myth – Children do not experience mental health issues

Fact – Mental health problems are invariably associated with adulthood where stress, depression and distress are common. However, the fact remains that India has the highest number of adolescents with medical disorders. In 2019, at least 50 million children were affected by mental health conditions. Unfortunately, at most 90% did not seek external support.

Myth – People with mental health issues behave abnormally.

Fact – Individuals with mental health needs generally do not behave abnormally unless the symptoms are very severe. Apart from a few common signs and symptoms, it is hard to pick up abnormal behaviour.

Myth – Recovery is not possible in mental health issues.

Fact – Mental health issues have a high recovery rate. While medical assistance will be required for treating mental illness, cases of poor mental health are usually treated through support therapies and counselling sessions.

Myth – Mental health problems can only be treated by certified professionals.

Fact – One can help heal any person one cares for. Medical assistance by certified professionals is required only in case of mild to severe cases of mental illness. 


Now that you are aware of what mental health is, mental health problems are best resolved with early intervention so that they do not snowball into mental illness. Do not get swayed away by the myths around mental health. At the same time keep a close tab on your feelings and emotions and be aware of life stages where things may get difficult and disturb your peace of mind. Equally important is to remember that one may overcome negative emotions by talking out and seeking support. Do keep in mind the important do’s and don’ts to maintain a positive outlook towards life.

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