Millions of people still use open defecation, and billions more people live without access to safely regulated sanitation. Many people have died as a result of unsanitary practices and have suffered from preventable ailments. To bring attention to and alleviate the global sanitation crisis, World Toilet Day (WTD) was created.
It was started by the World Toilet Organization in 2001 and is now celebrated annually on November 19. The theme for World Toilet Day in 2022 is Sanitation and the Un-Water Summit on Groundwater. Therefore, in honour of World Toilet Day 2022, we will discuss how one can avoid getting UTIs when using public toilets.
How to Avoid Urinary Tract Infection When Using Public Toilets?
According to a study, 40% of women and 12% of men will, at some point in their lives, develop at least one symptom of a urinary bladder infection with up to 40% of affected women developing recurrent UTIs. It is also recognized as one of the most prevalent medical issues that arise during pregnancies.
After using a public toilet, there are always chances of getting a Urinary Tract infection. To avoid it, experts suggest that:
- One should carry toilet seat sprays, hand sanitizers & wipes while travelling.
- For women, waterproof funnel-like devices are created to help them urinate while standing.
- To prevent such diseases, always have a toilet seat sanitiser at hand and use it.
- Using toilet powder will help control pests & reduce odours.
UTI Symptoms
The symptoms of urine infection include the following:
- Frequent urination
- Burning sensation or pain when you pee
- Your pee smells bad & looks cloudy
- Pain in the back or below the ribs
- You might also get a fever or experience tiredness
UTI in Women
Here are the causes of urine infection in females:
- Urinary tract infections in women can also be caused by the ecology of the vagina and sexual intercourse.
- In women, the shorter urethra and its closeness to the anus are additional contributing factors. When it comes to urinary tract infections, different ages bring different challenges.
- In young girls, wearing a sanitary pad for several hours can serve as a cause for the growth of bacteria.
- After sexual intercourse, a woman may experience the symptoms of urinary tract infections.
- Menopausal women’s hormonal changes cause the perineum to become dry and lower their level of local immunity, which increases their chance of developing a bladder infection.
How can Women Prevent UTIs?
There are multiple ways to avoid UTIs. All you need to do is make certain changes to your daily lifestyle in order to make a difference. These changes may include:
- Always stay hydrated. Include apple juice and cranberry juice in your diet.
- Avoid applying creams or deodorants close to the vaginal area as this could cause infections. If you feel the need to wash, use regular soap and water.
- Wear cotton underwear and change it often. If your panties get wet, change them right away to prevent infection. According to specialists, there is no need to constantly wash the vaginal area because doing so could remove the good bacteria.
- When cleaning yourself, always keep in mind that you should always clean from the front to the back.
- Try to not use restrooms in public places.
60% of women are predicted to suffer UTI symptoms at least once in their lifetime. 20–40% of those would have a further episode and 25–50% of those would develop recurrent infections. Therefore, it is crucial to practise UTI prevention in our daily life, regardless of and despite the kind of public restrooms accessible at the workplace.
When Should One Visit a Doctor?
If you have any of these signs of urine infection, see a doctor:
- Shivering, chills, and muscle pain
- Feeling confused or extremely sleepy
- Having not passed pee all-day
- Fever & vomiting
- Blood or cloudy appearance of urine
- Pain in your back or either side
- Previously existing symptoms get worse
Because a UTI can result in serious problems, it’s crucial to diagnose and treat it as soon as possible. If left untreated, a UTI may scar the renal tract along with the urinary tract, induce hypertension, or even be a cause of kidney infection.
Treatment for UTI
UTI is an illness that you can do away with upon seeking proper treatment and care. An ideal treatment for UTI may include:
- Depending on how serious your problems are, you may receive outpatient care at a clinic or be hospitalised.
- Broad-spectrum antibiotics will be started as soon as you become ill with a fever and experience severe discomfort. Urine system tests, such as a look for pus cells and culture, will also be carried out.
- If the back pain gets worse or there is no urine, imaging tests including an ultrasound and a CT or MRI will be performed.
- Urine alkalinization, hydration advice, and supportive medications will all be a part of outpatient management.
- Depending on the symptoms, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics as an outpatient; however, the majority of patients will first be recommended a urine test.
Depending on the clinical condition, urethral stenosis or stones caused by organic factors such as blockage (partial or full) in men after prostatic hypertrophy and women after menopause will be treated medically or surgically.
Why is Toilet Sanitation Important?
Toilets prevent the spread of deadly infections that claim lives. Public health, human dignity, and individual safety—particularly for women—benefit when people have access to secure, reliable toilets.
Typhoid, cholera, diarrhoea, dysentery, and schistosomiasis can all spread if there isn’t a proper sanitation system in place that allows for the safe treatment of excreta.
In countries experiencing protracted conflict, children under the age of five are, on average, over 20 times more likely to pass away from diarrhoeal illnesses brought on by a lack of good water, sanitation, and hygiene than by actual violence.
We hope that by providing this knowledge, one is now aware of the cause of UTI and also how one can avoid getting this infection.
It is possible to prevent UTIs by following a few simple precautions like adequate hydration, a balanced diet, safe sexual practices, and basic personal hygiene. From this World Toilet Day, let’s be mindful of and create awareness about these preventive steps.