Bodybuilding 4 MIN READ 52296 VIEWS May 29, 2017

Zac Efron Workout For Baywatch – Get Beach Ready

Zac Efron Workout For Baywatch – Get Beach Ready

Zac Efron and Baywatch are grabbing eyeballs worldwide. And Zac Efron workout for Baywatch is inspiring millions. Want to Train like Zac Efron? Let's begin!

Zac Efron and Baywatch are grabbing eyeballs worldwide. And Zac Efron workout for Baywatch is inspiring! This is because his extremely fit physique is having an impression on millions watching him! Want to Train like Zac Efron? Let’s begin the discussion on Zac Efron Baywatch workout routine!

Zac Efron has always been famously known as the cute guy from the teen hit Hollywood movie “High School Musical”. But one look at him now, and you will certainly be jaw dropped at the transformation he has gone through to get a beach ready ripped physique.

With Dwayne Johnson “The Rock” in Baywatch, it is certainly difficult to look at someone else, especially when it comes to muscular physique. Dwayne Johnson’s Workout and Training have always kept him in a great shape. But, Zac Efron has certainly done a commendable job to stand at par with the legend Johnson. That’s why no wonder even Dwayne Johnson himself had great appreciation about Zac Efron body training like a beast to get a shredded physique for Baywatch.

Zac Efron Baywatch Workout Plan – 12 Week Training Program

The hard work and dedication that Zac Efron put in his full body workout is ten fold than you can imagine. According to Zac Efron’s trainer Patrick Murphy, Zac Efron’s body fat was shredded to an amazing level of just 5% after his 12-week training program. Since his previous movie Neighbours, Zac worked hard to get an almost 10-pound lean muscle gain to the perfect beach ready body for Baywatch. This transformation was over the course of a year. An effective way to achieve a Zac Efron body type is by maintaining a low-fat level while maximising lean muscle gain

Tips to Follow Zac Efron Baywatch Workout

If you are planning to follow a Zac Efron inspired full body workout, we have some tips for you. Incorporate these in your workout routine:

  1. Follow the steady approach of lean muscle gain rather than bulking to get big and then later going for cutting.
  2. Heavy training workout – Add weights
  3. Adapting an athletic way to train muscles
  4. Allowing muscles to recover in between workouts
  5. Daily ab training – small sessions of 5 to 7 minutes
  6. Lower body fat, Lean Muscle, and sustainable Gains – Body conditioning and Diet

Zac Efron Baywatch Workout Simplified

Goes without saying that you will have to put in a tremendous amount of effort in order to achieve body fitness like that of Zac Efron’s. Let us divide the Zac Efron Workout into 3 major categories:

  1. Pull Workout Day
  2. Leg Workout Day
  3. Push Workout Day

You may perform these workouts one each day, keeping a day of rest in between for each. This rest day does not mean being a couch potato. These rest days mean days off for strength training and thus will be utilised for a mix of cardio exercises. You may also spread these workouts over a period of five days from Monday to Friday as per your current body ability and training requirements.

  1. Zac Efron Workout For Baywatch – Pull Workout Day

If you are following a Zac Efron workout, you can train your back and biceps by practising the following exercises:

Workout Sets Reps
Straight-Arm Workout 3 8-12  (no rest)
Ab Rollout 3 8-12 (1 minute rest)
Seated Cable Row 3 8-12 (no rest)
Suspended Row 3 8-12 (1 minute rest)
Neutral-Grip Pullup 3 8-12 (no rest)
Lat Pulldown from Knees 3 8-12 (1 minute rest)
Chinup 3 8-12 (no rest)
Dumbbell Biceps Curl 3 8-12 (1 minute rest)


  1. Zac Efron Workout For Baywatch – Legs Workout Day

When following the Zac Efron Baywatch workout, this is how you can work out your legs:

Workout Sets Reps
Leg Press 3 8-12  (no rest)
Suspension Squat Jump 3 20 (1 minute rest)
Swiss Ball Hip Extension 3 8-12 (no rest)
Swiss Ball Leg Curl 3 20 (1 minute rest)
Reverse Walking Lunge 3 8-12 (no rest)
Mountain Climber on Sliders 3 20 (1 minute rest)
Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift 3 8-12 (no rest)
Kick Butts 3 20 (1 minute rest)



Unstable Single-Leg Calf Raise 3 8-12 each side (no rest)
Suspension Trainer Single-Leg Squat Hop 3 20 each side (1 minute rest)


  1. Zac Efron Workout For Baywatch – Push Workout Day

Zac Efron workout for chest, arms, and shoulders includes:

Workout Sets Reps
Dumbbell Squat Front Raise 3 8-12 (no rest)
Cross-Body Cable Raise 3 8-12 (1 minute rest)
Dumbbell Floor Press 3 8-12 (no rest)
Pushup 3 8-12 (1 minute rest)
Incline Dumbbell Press 3 8-12 (no rest)
Dumbbell Overhead Press 3 8-12 (1 minute rest)
Cable Chest Press 3 8-12 (no rest)
Bosu Plyo Pushup 3 8-12 (1 minute rest)
Single-Arm Pushdown 3 8-12 each side (no rest)
Single-Arm Curl 3 8-12 EACH SIDE (1 minute rest)



Idolizing Zac Efron body and workout is one thing, and working towards it is another. You need to be consistent and disciplined in your training to get Zac Efron body type results. Also, apart from a super-intense workout, a right diet is a must for getting the desired results. The diet has to be a good mix of protein rich foods, carbs and other essential nutrients & supplements to fuel your workout. And not to forget, you have to be disciplined to stay away from unhealthy fats, high-sugar desserts, and junk food. You may want to go for a cheat meal, but that cheat meal is recommended to be nutritionist-approved so that you do not ruin your workout at the cost of your taste bud satisfaction.

Train Hard; Eat Right and Stay Fit !!

Frequently Asked Questions About Zac Efron Workout

Zac Efron’s workout routine for Baywatch included pull workouts (for training back and biceps), leg workouts, and push workouts (for training arms, shoulders and chest).

By following a rigorous workout routine discussed in detail in the blog above, Zac Efron reached his goal of attaining 5% body fat in just 12 weeks.

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